Monday, June 01, 2009

ziggity zaggety

My first open water swim of the year. Yes I know it's well into the season but Mo's football games and a newborn do actually take a lot of my mornings on the weekends since February.

I loop is a shy of a mile, maybe as much as a mile with all the zig zagging I was doing in the water. I was all over the place, haha. I had a team mate in front of me and using her as my pace I would look up to see her far to my left or right. Plus I was using each shoreline as a measure of my tack.

Oh well. The distance was just enough and today I feel it in my back and arms.

I am thinking that with Mae at 3 months, it is time to introduce myself to team training. I need to stress my mind to competitve training and learn some controls. I can't do that on my own. I can't do that running from my fear of losing control. And in reality it was not the training that damaged me it was the racing so I should not hide from it. I do need to watch myself more as regardless if it was the weather or the body or the mind that did the ulitmate damage to my liver and kidneys and all the other organs that were damaged any of those can do it me now.

On the way out to and back from Canyon lake I saw some great things. A coyote standing on the side of the road watching traffic pass by. A chipmunk. A roadrunner. Coming back down a cowboy's horse went crazy and started bucking him and canting onto the highway. I slammed on my brakes, just missing the horse and rider but they didn't notice. The horse continued to jump and leap and did get back onto the horse trail beside the road. That horse would have surely bucked me.


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