Thursday, April 16, 2009

What kind of course?

There is a rumor that on Luke Air Force Base there is a military obstacle course and/or confidence course. For those that have never seen these courses, imagine a military version of Ninja Warrior or The Eliminator from last seasons American Gladiator.

I grabbed my dad, a retired Army Colonel, and headed over there to do a recon. As he handed our credentials to the gate guard this was following conversation.

Guard: "Thank you for your ID, Sir. You're an Army Colonel?"
Dad: "Yeah and my son here is a former Army infantry officer. We are looking for a confidence course or obstacle course and my son heard there was one here on base. Can you tell us how to get there?"
Guard: "Obstacle course? Obstacle course. Sir, this here is an Air Force Base we don't have an obstacle course. We have a golf course! That's the only course I know of Sir"
(Both laugh hysterically)

So no, there is not a confidence course or obstacle course on Luke AFB. Though as we drove to the Base Exchange I remarked that the closest thing I found to such was the playground equipment at the local elementary school.


At 9:57 AM, Blogger Bill said...

That's because we've already got plenty of confidence. And enough obstacles in our day to day work to suffice. ;^)

BTW, I snickered several times this morning thinking of this post as I worked my team through the Air Assault school's course.


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