Monday, March 30, 2009

anti Midas touch

Some people can create beautiful melody's and others can think of something and build it with their hands. I am the opposite of this, I am a destructionist. I just, quite simply, can destroy anything I touch.

I used to believe that it was normal to go through three or four watches a year, or a wet suit a race season, along with several pairs of goggles, shoes, shocks, sunglasses, tri shorts and other assorted sports paraphernalia. Nay, nay. I realize that I am not experiencing bad luck in my purchases, my purchases are doomed to a life of hard living the moment I take them out of the box.

I currently have a wetsuit with a torn zipper and once that is fixed, I need to wet test a one inch rip I glued myself. I just bought my second ironman watch this year and my second set of goggles. I have a newer pair of hiking boots with the side rim of rubber coming off (Goo anyone?) and a sturdy daypack I bought just over a year ago is ripped and battered. My favorite adventuring shirts and pants are conspicuously stitched with red thread, (my preferred color of repair) and blotched with stains and roughed areas.

I prefer it this way. How will I know if I can trust this gear when it really counts, unless I take it to hell and back. I think it is why I am so 'for' certain brands. Even though I wear them out quickly, they last longer than others. Plus if you don't push your gear hard, how will you know what it can really do.

Wait...I think I just realized something. I've done the same thing to my body over the last few years. Dammit! I hate it when I see allegories that refute my current thinking. I don't think I can get a full repair this item. I need to take better care of my body. I know I am quite capable of taking it to hell and back.


At 10:01 PM, Blogger 21stCenturyMom said...

"I'm a destructionist" just made me laugh out loud. Too funny.

I think you are doing a great job repairing your body. Rock on with your destructionist self when it comes to your equipment and keep on doing what you are doing for your health. It all works.


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