Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Lapping an old friend

I have a friend. Someone I have spent countless hours with. A friend that has been there for me rain or shine, good times and bad. I was supposed to meet my friend last April on a really big day. Instead I almost died a couple miles away. And really hadn't seen my friend since. Fear, embarrasment, life all played a part in that.

It was a really nice day recently and thought I'd go see my friend. It had been almost a year since I'd had the courage. You see my friend is a taker. I don't mind I created the relationship. I was suprized that on this day, just our first time together again, that my friend gave back.

My friend is not a person. My friend is the five mile loop around Tempe Town Lake. A path I have run a hundred miles on. A path that holds 85% of the Ironman run course and all of dozens more races I have done there.

I stuck to my plan. I ran nine minutes and walked one. Repeat. When the auto lap went off at at mile 1 and I had not hit my first walk break, I was surprized. As I finally walked my minute I figured I would even out on mile 2. I hit mile 2 at 17 minutes. I ran a faster second mile. Mile 3, 4 and 5 gave me an average split of 9 minute miles while including a 1 minute walk.

My friend was not mad at my imposed separation. My friend showed no emotion at my return. But there's no mistaking I was glad to be back.

There's treasure everywhere.


At 2:56 PM, Blogger LBTEPA said...

I know where you're coming from Comm - I snapped an ankle ligament when I tripped on the river path near my parents' house one day about two years ago. Six months later (after a reconstruction) I went back and finished my run. It was a very satisfying moment.

At 9:35 AM, Blogger :) said...


At 4:13 AM, Blogger Melissa said...

Great job!! YOU ROCK!!


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