Thursday, December 11, 2008

Hope for the hopeless

I see the skin growing thicker on almost everyone I meet. Its a natural inclination when someone focuses on their well being over the well being of others. Its not just wallets that used to fly open for charity that are now callused shut, it's pantries that used to give food to the less fortunate that now remained closed, it's smiles that used to be so friendly that are no longer be seen because people have their heads down thinking of their own little world.

Christmas is many things to many people. It is the symbolism and substance of many religions (including my own). It is a time in which people support or protest commercialism and all its ramifications. Its a time of giving thanks and giving back to the obligations we have created during the year.

We repay our obligations with gifts and tidings of joy; cookies, cards, toys, jewelry, electronics, anything and everything that we think brings our karma back in alignment with people we are indebted to.

There is another way we affect the obligation in our heart and our psyche and that is to give until it hurts and then give some more. For some of us, it hurts to smile right now, doesn't it? Trust me someone is hurting more. If your reading this from your office, think of the person who lost their job this week. They need a smile. If your reading this from your house, think of all the people who lost theirs this year and celebrating Christmas in an unfamiliar setting to them. They need a smile.

Its takes very little effort to buy a few cases of top ramen or packets of pasta or cans of vegetables and give that food to a local charity out front of the store. When you drive up to front and see the bell ringer, take a moment and collect your pennies in the cup holder or ash tray and pour them in. Even if you have nothing, make eye contact, smile and say 'hello' to the volunteer ringing the bell. Do you know how many people do not make eye contact with that person. They are doing a selfless thing, acknowledge that.

You used to be a light in the life of dozens if not hundreds of people. Its in the American spirit to be our best when we feel our worst. Do your part today, in any small way, to give back to your local community in a meaningful way.

There's treasure everywhere.


At 8:40 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

I stopped yesterday and talked the the salvation army bell ringer for about 5 minutes yesterday on the way into the grocery store. She was very nice.

My kids and I rang bells last year. I think you get a lot more money when you have kids with you. If you guys have never done that it's fun, you should sign up and do it.

Have a blessed day everyone.

At 9:31 PM, Blogger Cliff said...


Amen to that brother...i read your blog earlier tha tyou are going in for a blood work. I hope the result went well.

Lately, i've been convicted with all the blessings i hvae. For example, throwing away spoil food is such a luxury. There are many around the world who cannot do that simply b/c they don't even have enough to eat.

Let's all do every step taht we can to help those who are in need :o)

At 9:19 AM, Blogger TriBoomer a.k.a. Brian said...

Wonderful message and call to action, Comm. I hope all that read it act in response.

Stay tuned...

At 12:43 PM, Blogger LBTEPA said...

A great reminder Comm, thanks

At 5:02 PM, Blogger 21stCenturyMom said...

I'm not seeing a lack of giving by those who can. It's just that so many have lost so much - this country is a mess. I'm still giving in spite of having no income. I'm not hungry, though and I have a roof over my head so I'm not that bad off.


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