Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I keep kicking myself for not uploading Mighty Mo's Halloween costume. The camera has been sitting in the other car. Its something I really want to accomplish this week. No its not to get in a Masters swim, or ride 90 minutes or run an hour. Its to get some digital photo's online. My life is so simple right now.

Of course that is all going to change come January when Baby Mae is born. I keep thinking that much like a race where an athlete has a training plan that builds up the endurance and ability before the big day and maybe I need to do that too. Create new routines that allow me to build in time for changes and bottles and activity. Based on the last go around, I know that I am worthless and unnecessary for night feeding, so I need to plan for morning stuff. Getting up earlier and having more mental energy in the morning is something I have to prepare for now, it seems.

Okay, I am on to something here.


At 11:39 AM, Blogger Bolder said...

there's treasure everywhere

At 12:26 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

Hey I forgot to tell you HAPPY VETERAN's DAY yesterday, so here it goes:

Happy Veteran's Day!! Thanks for serving our country. Be watching for a post soon about what the kids and I did on Veteran's day.

Take care,

At 12:27 PM, Blogger Chris said...

I hope Baby Mae is a better sleeper than Baby Caitlin is! Mine is still getting up in the middle of the night at least once for a feeding (of which I am equally as useless to her).


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