Monday, November 10, 2008

As good a time as any...

While I think the quality of my posts have not diminished I will admit that my attention to the blog has. I won't apologize for focusing my attention to other areas of my life, I think I apologize to much to be honest. I mean who say's, "I'm sorry," when someone tells you they can't find their keys? It wasn't my fault they lost their keys or whatever the issue may be, yet I find myself apologizing.

Anyway. I will finally be getting around to cleaning up the sidebars and links on CMS. Maybe tweak a few of the borders. Get back to proper regular posting. I'd like to see if my doctors will let me start hitting the weights a bit harder and more consistently. Get a little more connected with Mistress and the baby growing inside her. If anything my connection with Mighty Mo is as strong as ever. I am growing as a father of one child, I hope I can duplicate with two. It's something I am suffering with terribly. Still, don't expect any advancements in the kitchen though I may attempt some work on the grill.

Most importantly I will connect again with the friends I have made on the blogs. Expect to see my presence again on websites. Its been a guilt on my heart for months that I have not supported people the way I have been supported.

I wouldn't say I have been in a dark phase, not at all. I have been through a lot and suppose trying other things out. Of course the down side, which I should have known all along, is that my life runs on routines. When the exercise routine fell apart in April and then the pregnancy a few months ago and the end of the year coming up, I realize this blog is as much a positive routine in my life as anything. I suppose for forgeting that, I am sorry.

There's treasure everywhere.


At 12:34 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

Commodore, I feel blessed to have met you and love reading your blog. No matter how you feel about your blog it is always a great read and encouragement most days. Thanks for writing and I look forward to more post and now that I've got my coach and am heading towards better things in my life I look forward to and value your support.

And by the way, you will be an awesome daddy to two. That little girl couldn't be luckier to have a daddy like you, a mommy like Carol, and an awesome big brother like Mo.

At 1:20 PM, Blogger Brent Buckner said...

I often take or use "I'm sorry" as a statement of commiseration, not apology. Someone may well feel sorry without feeling responsible.

At 2:04 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I'm thinking perhaps you are part Canadian! The joke is you can spot one because they say "I'm sorry" when you step on their foot.

(I also use "I'm sorry" when I haven't heard well.)

At 5:39 PM, Blogger Bigun said...

I'm sorry you got banned from facebook. I'm sure it was your association to the Tacboy and Bigun podcast that did it. That, and all the Obama tru...I mean...hate links. Those tasteless posts tearing down the "2nd Coming's" character. How could you, Comm, how could you? Don't you know that Bidin invented Facebook? With Al Gore's help, of course. You were screwed from the getgo, my friend.


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