Monday, July 14, 2008

Spewing it out of me

My company holds a Fitness Challenge for its employees once or twice a year. Over the weekend we had our second one of 2008. In the past as a competitor I have finished in the Top 10 against employees ten years my junior. Unfortunately for me, my abilities as a facilitator and considered the most fair person in the company, I end up being the 'Race Director' and head judge for the events.

Of course this year, there is no way I could compete in my condition so being the RD was a no brainier. However each days we have held this event, I get full of adrenaline and I start to shake and have anxiety, much as if I was competing myself. Since IMAZ I have also felt this way when watching and cheering my friends as they compete in triathlons. I mention this because on every one of these days, when I go to urinate the color is very dark, almost brown. My body just being in proximity of exercise starts to break down.

If my body is shutting down just from the close observation and enthusiasm for fitness events, what does this bode for my own comeback to training? I'd would think that I'd be more excited for my own workouts and races than for someone else. I am really hoping my trip this week gives me some answers.


At 9:49 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Oh, I hope it does, too, Comm's!

At 11:05 AM, Blogger :) said...

Keep us posted on the results...I'll be praying for good news.

At 5:10 PM, Blogger LBTEPA said...

so confusing and frustrating for you :(
Best wishes for your trip

At 5:31 AM, Blogger Kate said...

I hope so too! I'll be thinking of you and will send up a little prayer.


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