Monday, May 12, 2008


...I didn't work out and was supervised.

I had several months of tree/shrub overgrowth to deal with from my neighbor, plus assorted containers of house material that all needed to go to the dumps. In an effort to not tax myself, I worked all last week in the evening, for a about 45 minutes each time cutting back growth and bagging yard waste. On Saturday it would only be loading a truck and unloading at the dumps.

I decided that morning to first load up an unused water fall fountain that no longer fit in our backyard scheme. It stood only a few feet tall. I didn't realize it was made of painted concrete and each of the three main pieces weighed between eighty and one hundred pounds by estimate. I should have realized this as the first piece blew the tire on the wheelbarrow.

Mighty Mo in his infinite ability of word recall, yelled "Mush Daddy!" as I walked 75 yards, dragging each piece of the foundation on a tarp and using a climbing rope as a harness around my waist. Then I only had to lift each piece up onto the tailgate. That was not easy either.

Mistress made sure I took breaks and drank water and helped tie down and unload at the dumps. She even made me go lie down upstairs with movie to recover. Good woman.

While relaxing I realized I was rubbing my rib cage under my right chest. It hurt, similar to the cramping I experienced at Ironman in all the muscles around my lungs and rib cage, though this was nowhere near as extreme or prevasive. I told Mistress and it went away a few hours later.

Sunday night as I was laying in bed the pain came back in roughly the same spot. A bit wider area but same pain. I woke Mistress up and she asked if any other place hurt and it didn't. I stretched out, rolled over, massaged the area for a couple hours before the pain went away enough to doze off. In the morning the only discomfort was from my rubbing a bit too hard on the area.

I fired off a message to my consultant for his feedback. That plus my new blood work results should be in Tuesday and will know if my liver is finally back to normal.

I am trying to do right. I had no intention of over exerting and it was probably stupid to move a several hundred pound fountain in its five pieces. But I spent the next two days resting as much as I could indoors. I am sure I will be blasted in comments and by Dr. Chu but I deserve it I suppose.




At 1:33 PM, Blogger SimplyStu said...

It never ends! The good thing is you will always have the support from around the world!

At 3:04 PM, Blogger Laurie said...

This lifestyle is such a drastic change from what you are used to it is no surprise that you overdid it by accident. An accident is different from being stubborn and working out despite all of the warnings.

Perhaps you should reevaluate whenever Mo says mush!

At 4:07 PM, Blogger Bigun said...

Where you wearing your HR moniter like I suggested? We need TriDummy to come down and shackle your legs and arms -

At 8:52 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

actually, i was going to recommend that bigun and tacboy come and move that stuff for you. sort of like an interactive podcast. that's what REAL podcasting friends would do.

i'm just sayin'.

glad to hear that mistress is watching your back. keep up the good non-work.

At 9:17 AM, Blogger the Dread Pirate Rackham said...

OK, the rib pain thing is freaking ME out now - but I think my thing is related to transversus abdominus, and not rhabdomyolysis. eep!

you're doing a radical, radical change. if it were easy, everyone would do it. take a breath, figure out what worked and what didn't, and regroup.

At 9:28 AM, Blogger Nancy Toby said...

Time to work on opening the wallet in order to get your yard work done. Why didn't your wife do the heavy work, if it had to be done right then??????

At 10:51 AM, Blogger Tri-Angle said...

That's why you call up your Tri TEAM buddies, to come to your house and move that shit for you Comm. That's how we roll.


At 10:59 AM, Blogger ShirleyPerly said...

Comms, you really need to take it easier! That below-the-rib pain is worrisome. FWIW, I do all the outside work at my house and if I can't do it, I ask neighbors or hire help. My husband is in charge of the laundry.

At 1:13 PM, Blogger Melissa said...


All I have to say is. . . .


Take care,

At 4:43 AM, Blogger kodiacbear said...

Hey Comm, no one likes asking for help but you'll find that more and more people are willing and even WANT to your Tri TEAM buddies...use 'em...and BE CAREFUL!!


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