Tuesday, May 06, 2008

The Weekend that was...and could be again

In hindsight there was absolutely no reason to go to Rocky Pt. Mexico for a race I was not in. Of course the whole family had a blast and I became sherpa for those friends racing that needed it. I was a third hand and pair of feet and took a couple hundred pictures.

Mo and Mistress had a great time. We along with two other families stayed at the host hotel in a 6,000 square foot penthouse. Overall there was about twenty people we knew staying at the hotel and about double that amount of people we all knew from the phoenix training/racing circuit at the race. We ate fresh prawns every night and lounged on the ocean or at the pools all day. We have learned that Mo is absolutely not afraid of heights and Mistress can let him go away with responsible teenagers and both are perfectly fine for a couple of hours.

Looking forward this week, I have calls to make to specialists around the country and look into some very specific testing on my body. (You can read, really expensive doctors probably not covered by insurance plus travel costs into that statement). Most people/patients do not do what I am planning on doing, therefore the doctors that can help me are world class and very hard to reach without inside help (which I have). Maybe I should find one of these doctors in Europe.

What do I plan on doing? Simple. Right now and for the near future, exercise is damn near fatal for me or most likely ending in dialysis. Every doctor has told me, "Never again should you exert with such intensity in your training or races." Might as well kill me; to never run or swim or bike or lift weights or even do a push up, (yes, currently I am not even allowed to do push ups), is a torturous existence.

I'm going to find a way to find what level I can compete at and then give it my all, supervised by the best doctors and endurance specialists in the world. I respect the fact that Ironman will most likely never be in my future again. I understand that some professional endurance athletes from around the world have never fully recovered from the same condition I have and it wasn't just their passion that died but their careers.

My parents were told I'd never walk well again. I am an Ironman.
My parents were told I'd never progress past a third grade education. I am a college graduate.
My parents were told they'd care for me for the rest of my life. I own a home and have a family of my own.

I am an odds breaker. Tell me I can never workout again. I'll take those odds and create my own destiny. And flourish. (cue Rocky music)

By the way...ordered my new personal use helmet today.


At 3:14 PM, Blogger SingletrackJenny (formerly known as IronJenny) said...

Yes you are above the odds. Get educated, find out what it is that you have, what you need to do to master it. I am certain you will figure it out.
Love you friend!

At 7:04 AM, Blogger the Dread Pirate Rackham said...

Of course there was a reason to go to Rocky Point -- to have a vacation with your family!

You are an odds breaker, keep with the program!

At 10:51 AM, Blogger Brent Buckner said...

You write:
Might as well kill me; to never run or swim or bike or lift weights or even do a push up, (yes, currently I am not even allowed to do push ups), is a torturous existence.

You know Comm's, I believe that even if you were paralyzed you'd find a way to be a positive force and celebrate life.

At 4:47 AM, Blogger kodiacbear said...

aawwhh, comm, you almost made me cry. I know you can do it--and looking forward to the read.

At 6:45 AM, Blogger Bill said...

So there was every reason to go to Rocky Point, Mexico.

At 3:58 PM, Blogger Di said...

what a great way to spend the weekend!!


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