Tuesday, January 29, 2008


With sooooooo much going on in my life, I really had to address the one area I could control that was also getting out of hand, Ironman training. I was losing control because I was/am allowing outside anxieties and miscommunication to hedge into my training time.

Part of my fix was to go back to an older base schedule, albeit modified for current distance loads, that I am very comfortable with. The routine is easier mentally for me to follow than some of the crazier stuff I have been trying to fit in with my increased responsibilities at work and home.

This was also a schedule that I had just before my last concussion in November and finally, yes finally almost three months later, feel that I am past it. Part of the return in this schedule is the early pre-dawn runs and trainer rides. It was a little colder today at 0430 (40 degrees) than my last pre-dawn run in early November (55 degrees).

My schedule this week is pretty full and modified just a bit more than usual with emphasis on the trainer and not outside:

Monday: Off
Tuesday: Run one hour / trainer drills one hour
Wednesday: Bike trainer 90 minutes / swim endurance one hour
Thursday: Run 90 minutes / swim force drills one hour / bike trainer 2 hours
Friday: Run one hour hill repeats / swim easy 30 minutes
Saturday: Bike Trainer 4 hours
Sunday: Run 16 miles

You might be asking yourself, "Yourself. Why is Comm's doing so much work on a trainer?"

And that will be my post for tomorrow. haha gotcha'


At 7:52 AM, Blogger Fe-lady said...

Wow Thursday looks brutal!
And so does Saturday...and Sunday!!!
(I can't imagine FOUR HOURS on a trainer!)
Good mental toughness displayed there! Whew!

At 9:23 AM, Blogger 21stCenturyMom said...

That has to be a typo. FOUR hours on the trainer on a Saturday???!!! This explanation had better be really, really good because just reading that makes my butt hurt.

At 9:24 AM, Blogger J~Mom said...

Whew! Four hours on the trainer! I agree with fe-lady, that is great mental toughness. I just got my trainer and I am really enjoying having it.

At 10:31 AM, Blogger Dances with Corgis said...

yeah why ARE you doing so much work on a train? and FOUR HOURS? Shesh.

At 11:22 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Schedules are good! At least for some of us.

At 1:01 PM, Blogger Iron Girl Nyhus said...

Well, at least if you are on the trainer you are training at home :) Once you push the mental toughness limit on trainers and treadmills you feel like you can do anything!


At 6:59 PM, Blogger Papa Tweet said...

I'm still trying to decide what to do with the million dollars you deposited into my account. What to do, what to do? Glad to see that your site is up and running again.

At 10:14 PM, Blogger Cliff said...

Why Commodore is spending so much time on the trainer? B/c Lost is starting its new season :D.

You ride on your saddle..what more reason do u need??


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