Monday, January 21, 2008

Zoo, painting and vices played out.

The Valdora is in the shop and wasn't ready for riding Saturday when I went to pick it up just before my planned 60 miles. That workout was shot. Instead Mistress and Mo drove down and we all spent the day at the zoo, then REI, then dinner at Red Robin and finally a trip to some pottery store where you paint your own clay item. I helped Mo with a plate bearing his name, many times, while Mistress put some nice effort into her own plate.

I was going to do a nice big coffee cup with M-Dot, triathlon and AZTRICLUB logos but having just drooled over a double walled titanium coffee cup at REI for just a bit more after all the costs at the pottery store, I couldn't do it.

Had a very nice easy 10 mile run Sunday with Andy, Jeff and Wendy. We make up 1/3 of a relay event I will mention in the upcoming days. Afterwards we went for some Mongolian BBQ. Then walking through the new outdoor mall we found a 30 sq. ft. arcade/bar like Game Works.

I have not hidden my video game vice and how if I become too involved it begins to affect my work and home life. I have played video games for 24 hours straight. Its all encompassing. Well my eye's got wide as saucers and aside from the requisite firehouse hot wings and beer while watching some of the football game, it was Game On. I called Mistress like someone calling their Sponsor and her knowing that Andy was staying with me bode well enough for her to let me stay with nary a caution.
Two hours later, adrenally drained and completely satisfied, I left with a smile on my face. Andy offered to take my Play Card, but that would not (notice I did not say 'will' not) be a deterrent for going back. I think I can handle the occasional walk on the wild side.


At 9:48 AM, Blogger Brent Buckner said...

Can't be all work and no play!

At 4:21 PM, Blogger Tri-Dummy said...

I'm a video game freak, too.

Great meeting you at the Mary in Phx. You had a smokin' time, CONGRATS!

At 8:59 PM, Blogger the Dread Pirate Rackham said...

ya know, some days you just need a day off. good for you!


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