Monday, January 28, 2008

My Bad, My Bad

I forgot to update my email with my server company and the web address expired over the weekend. After some scrambling and a couple phone calls, it was taken care of early Monday morning but the site didn't repost until later.

Thanks for all of you who called or emailed citing their concern. You will find I have deposited one million dollars into each of your accounts. Spend wisely.

I had a big weekend of training planned and didn't do a thing....nah, just kidding. I got 80% of it done. It could have been worse.

  • I worked late Friday and had to shave some distance off my run/swim brick so I could get home for Movie Night with Mighty Mo and Carol.
  • Saturday was supposed to be 80 miles on the IM course and I am telling you it sucked. I will take full responsibility but I will be looking at my drive train tonight because even though the wind was terrible and my legs were tired and my mind distracted, my gearing was all over the place. And squeaky. And skippy. Honestly, I was going to go back to the car to finish one 35 mile loop and then go home instead of going back out again. I was mentally defeated. I got to the bottom of the B-Line and pulled up to Jeff and Andy at the gas station with a case full of ass. They tried to get me to go back up the hill but I was already done, complaining loudly for all to hear. I had already planned my lunch and movie for the rest of the day. As they headed back up the B-Line, I turned towards Tempe Town Lake. I made it just past the gas pumps but turned around to make one more run to trip to the top of the hill, They were not surprized. It was just as miserable but I did it. Did I say it sucked?
  • Beginning late Saturday it poured rain. You probably saw the weather on the news hitting SoCal, well it hit us next. Yes I am spoiled with the great weather out here. It doesn't make it any easier when running 14 miles in the stuff on Sunday when I am used to no-rain weather. Jeff, Wendy and Andy were there too. I wore gators, tights, two shirts, a jacket, a gore tex hat. Geesh. We ran a muddy, rut strewn, rolling uphill/ downhill 5 mile loop desert trail and have the pictures to prove it. They ran faster than me but I had got there first and put in 4 miles ahead of time. I realized by mile nine that I had not eaten all day. So I gobbed some gel and Gatorade and did one more loop, bonking about mile 12. They were all waiting so instead of pulling the last miserable 2 miles alone, now in the hail, and after being out there for almost two and half hours, it wasn't hard to convince me to grab a hot lunch. I started with pure IM food; bowl of chicken soup and Coke Classic.
In 36 hours I did 2200 yards swimming, 61 miles cycling and 20 miles running. After all that I still feel guilty for shorting myself 300 yards swimming, 19 miles cycling and 4 miles running. If I had only had a bit better time management and a lot more mental defenses I would have got it all.


At 9:50 PM, Blogger Flabbyironman said...

don't be too hard on yourself. Stuff happens. I know you think it feels like Common Man Syndrome, but its certainly more mileage than I got in this weekend. You're WAY ahead of where I am.

I mean, I'm the guy who was happy he got three and a half miles in on the treadmill today. 12 miles of running in the rain isn't anything to sneeze at.

At 10:08 PM, Blogger Comm's said...

Damn dude, I ran 14. Your shorting me more????

BTW, I think it would be harder for me to do 3 on treadmill than 14 in the rain.

At 10:14 PM, Blogger Flabbyironman said...

I miscounted. Sorry. I didn't meant to short you! How's this... I'm even MORE impressed! Does that work?

At 9:26 AM, Blogger J~Mom said...

I was so confused...I was like I JUST added him to bloglines and then his blog disappears? Glad you got it straightened out.

At 2:25 PM, Blogger the Dread Pirate Rackham said...

dude, I wondered where you went!

I had my first brick of the year yesterday - just a winkie one - and my legs were filled with lead. Oh what fun.


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