Friday, May 25, 2007


I'm telling ya, when I was afflicted with the infirmity of Common Man Syndrome I could attribute my tiredness to staying up late due season finales. Or playing video games. But this year, this week, I say 'Nay, nay, nay'.

Lately I am just exhausted from all the speed work, interval training and cross training I have been doing. It physically feels like I am in the last phase of IM training but my training hours are much less. I have also changed my nutrition a bit, cutting back on processed foods, and its making me a bit tired as I my body repairs itself.

I can tell that the 'off-session' stuff is doing good for me as my weight is not dropping much but my body is leaning out as I have seen it do in the past. It means my body is putting back on the muscle it lost in all that LSD stuff.

I took yesterday off to recover and today have a 8-10 mile run planned. I may ditch it for the 3 hour Pirate of the Caribbean coming out today. I can make up the run on Sunday if I do.

Decisions. Decisions.


At 9:13 AM, Blogger Fumo Santo said...

A 10 mile run in triple digit heat, or a cold dark theater with a giant tub of buttered popcorn on your lap... It seem like a no-brainer to me, but I'm a sucker for movies.

On a nutritional note, think of how much fiber you'll be ingesting by downing all that popcorn. See, there's an upside to everything!!

At 10:03 AM, Blogger Bigun said...

the butter's not processed, too much...

I keep on putting off training with the onset of a cold coming on - I can feel it - but it's still just "there" - so the run is on for tonight. I'm not crazy like you - I wait for the evening to cool off a bit.

At 10:36 AM, Blogger 21stCenturyMom said...

Your training sounds pretty exhausting to me. Your legs were like jello yesterday and I think it's time for a movie!

At 3:59 PM, Blogger Tony said...

I will be running at Tempe Town Lake tonight if you decide against the movie and want to join me for a very slow 7 miler.

run with Tony or see a movie on Friday night in the air conditioning?

Yep, looks like I am running alone again tonight.

At 2:58 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Comm's, listening to what your body's telling you = such a good plan!

Plus, I wanna hear a review of Pirates ...


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