Friday, May 18, 2007

Load levels

If you think for one minute this has anything to do with the $3,000 washer and dryer set in my house, you would be wrong. I don't know how to work them and Mistress is afraid I will break them. This is about training loads.

John asked me on the phone last night how long it took to get up Camelback Mtn., since I had not put that on the blog. I wanted 40 minutes but it was 45. It was hot. Up and down with a break at the top in 75 minutes.

I had to double check my numbers for the week but I have only worked out four and half hours. Which is weird considering it feels more like eight or nine right now. I have worked out every day this week, some days are two-a-day.

Monday- 5 mile run, about 103*, 50 minutes.
Tuesday- 51 minute coached swim, hard drill sets; then a 20 minute plyometric workout at Jeff's clinic.
Wednesday- Camelback Mtn. in 75 minutes at 101*
Last night Jeff and I did hill repeats for a total of 8 miles over 45 minutes and it just pummeled my legs. It felt like a three hour ride. Then did a very short run to stretch out the legs. It was 100*.

See. It doesn't even look hard, but I am using temperature, tempo and hills to create a much harder training set than I am accustomed too lately.

I feel great but almost like I am cheating myself. Today I am seriously considering a longer run around Tempe Town Lake this afternoon. Ten miles. Even though I am working on higher intensity stuff I still need to keep my long distance confidence up and that can only occur if I have LD key workouts each week.

To everyone racing this weekend. Cheers and have fun!


At 9:35 AM, Blogger Tony said...


Don't try to fight the heat too much, it will win that battle. Bring tons of fluids, we need to keep you out of the emergency room.

I will be at Tempe Town Lake this afternoon as well. Keep up the good work.

At 9:45 AM, Blogger 21stCenturyMom said...

I just have to laugh when you menfolk claim you can't figure out the washing machine or the vacuum cleaner. You'll rebuild a car, remodel a bathroom and build a business but those complex domestic tools? Oh no - too complicated. HA! Nice racket, Comms. :-)

I applaud your efforts in the heat. I need to do that summer, too, assuming we ever get any heat out here.

At 6:45 PM, Blogger Bigun said...

The sun is a punisher - had to stop at 3 hard miles yesterday after running at 4pm after a hard day cutting. I finished out the rest of the run, but it was NOT fun. 100 degrees can't be much fun either, even if it is dry...

At 3:29 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Comm's, that you're feeling great is just wonderful!

At 10:11 PM, Blogger Kewl Nitrox said...

Man, if I could just figure the right mix of volume versus intensity....

Sounds like you have it right though... Keep the key LD workouts and chase up the high intensity stuff. Getting used to the heat is painful, somewhat dangerous but necessary, especially if you are racing in hot weather.


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