Monday, March 19, 2007

Time to Think...

I was going to post this tomorrow but it seems later in the day is best to post this.

In order to have a more positive outlook on life; emotionally, mentally, spiritually, physically, we have to get out of our myopic tunnel vision and recognize something good happening to us that we can benefit from. Some people can call it; blessing, prosperity mentality, karma, pay it forward, balance, kindness. The only caveat is that you can not know the person that did this for you. A complete stranger or very infrequent co-worker.

For example:
Did someone let you use their discount card at the grocery store when yours didn't work?
Did someone give you some change at the store counter?
Were you rushed and frustrated and someone kindly let you merge when you thought they would cut you off?
Did you fret over a clothing decision or hair style and immediately get a compliment on it when out in public?

Think hard, I bet it did. I'll go first. I went to swim today and there was only 30 minutes left in the time available. When I handed the counter lady my $2, she waived me through and wished me a nice day.


At 8:01 PM, Blogger Di said...

Comm, I know what you mean. I have an electronic pass for the toll road here in Tampa. Every now and then, I drive through the booth and give the person in the booth toll for the person behind me. Just in case they were having a bad day. If they were having a good day, it just got better. Not to mention, it always makes me feel good too.

At 8:09 AM, Blogger Tri-Angle said...

I got a few.
The discount card the store.... double digit times. Dana once had a lady give her 50 bucks to buy a coat she was lamenting over in a discount store. Said to her "honey, you'll do it for someone too when you can." The best though is the guy that walked with me at the LAke Pleasant Tri 2 years ago when I dnf'd, Just jumped up from his spot under some shade walked me all the way back till we found Wendy. Then he just walked a way. An Angel I think.

At 9:27 AM, Blogger Robin said...

there are angels all among us...

At 10:07 AM, Blogger Larissa said...

A few years ago, I picked my son up from day care to find out he'd been horrendous - hitting, teasing, talking back to the teachers, you name it. I was so frustrated with him, I didn't know what to do. To top it off, we had to go to the grocery though he was being terribly difficult. At some point while we were in the store, he seemed to decide that his rotten mood wasn't getting him anywhere so he decided to start being helpful - he was a doll from that point on. A man in line in front of us seemed to notice how helpful my son was being - asking to hold the milk because it was the heaviest, putting items up on the counter for me, etc. When we left the store, a cashier stopped us, gave my son a silver dollar and told him it was from someone who saw him helping his mommy and was proud of him. We were both blown away. That moment was more powerful to him than any lecture, punishment or lesson I could have given him. He still talks about it sometimes.


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