Monday, January 08, 2007

Volunteer status-blech

I got an email today that because 'I am the new man on the block' I get to work the kid's run for PF Chang instead of the wheel chair assistance that I was told I was going to do for the last year. Honestly had I known that I wasn't a lock on that special and prestigious assignment I would have pulled my name long ago.

Each wheel chair athlete has a cyclist whom rides with them and assists them in the event of a flat or other assistance needed through radio contact with race officials and staff. I have been assured for the last twelve months that I was on this program. It was a definitive by my contact in the organization. Politics. Humbug.

I am gritting my teeth as I write, I will be a grateful volunteer. Most of my insides tell me to drop out anyway but the twinge in my knee and the fact that they are probably short volunteers as it is, I will stick to it...for now. I am not the type to no-show so thats not an option.

So I suppose I will there for all of you who come across the line for the half. You full course types better be fast, I ain't waiten' around all day. Zipzip, comprende' amigos.


At 5:48 PM, Blogger Nancy Toby said...

Comm, say it ain't so - you're one of those volunteers who would abandon the aid station before I came by, even though I was giving it all I had!?!???

At 6:02 PM, Blogger Brent Buckner said...

Nancy, the way I read it, Comm's is slated to work the kids run, and so his duties will be fulfilled well before the last marathon runner is off the marathon course.

At 6:07 PM, Blogger Comm's said...

Thats exactly right Brent. The kids run is a one mile run on the race course which certainly would be done before any racer came close.

Nancy I would never abandon an aid station unless told to by officials.. Nor would I allow an aid station to be torn down with people on the course.

At IMAZ 2006 I was assigned a mid day 4 hour window to volunteer at a run aid station. I showed up early, helped set up, then worked every shift, staying to help tear down at 11pm. A 13 hour volunteer shift. We only tore down after the course officials told us all racers had been pulled before our site.

My thoughts are similiar to say...being told I could go to the best club in town and have VIP status only to find out I have to wait in line and pay to get in.

At 8:08 PM, Blogger Ann (bunnygirl) said...

I think after the kids' run is over, you should just show up someplace else, like the finish line, mile 25 or something, and start helping out.

Can you get away with that, or do they do some sort of weird volunteer tracking?

At 7:04 AM, Blogger Iron Pol said...

I have to agree it is disappointing to have an eagerly awaited assignment changed at the last moment. Then again, that is the life of a volunteer.

I started the year out at the Boys' Brigade (youth organization) with 13 8th graders and no youth leader. That's a big group. I currently have 16 kids as things have changed.

Look at it this way, Comm, you will get to be the example for the kids. My son really looked up to the guy leading the kid's run at a local 10K.

At 2:31 PM, Blogger Laurie said...

Yes, I agree with Iron Pol. Those kids will love you for being out there.


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