Friday, January 05, 2007

A recharge

I feel like I have been a whinnying little bitch lately; sick, injured, whatever.

Let me start this over...

Hi, I have a blog that journals my thoughts and actions as I train for triathlons. I think deep down I have a strong desire to just sit and read books, watch movies, drink diet cokes and eat popcorn and plain M&M's. Doing all those at once, might just be heaven for me.

Some people call that life. Some call it a break in training. I call it Common Man Syndrome.

There is another side of me though. A side that burns for triathlon and hard physical training. A side that sees all the best photographs in my mind with sweat on my back and a smile on my face. Many times my clothes and face are tinged in dirt and white with salt stains.

Why is it when I think of what is fun I have such two such totally opposite responses; relax or pound my body in exertion? Might be a question for the ages. At least its the question that puts fingers to keyboard almost every day on this blog.

I also have a beautiful wife whom I think I barely speak to but is as important to me as air itself and a precocious three year old who has taught me more about being positive and happy in the face of adversity than any other person on this earth.

This is my blog. There are many like it. Thanks for coming here.


At 12:18 PM, Blogger Carrie said...

There are none quite like this one.

At 12:20 PM, Blogger Spandex King said...

Are you doing the half or the full at Changs? I'm doing the half and fly in on Friday. I hope its warm.

At 12:30 PM, Blogger Flo said...

Comm, we all got through those ruts, it's what makes the highs feel so good.

I too could be really happy with a book, M&M's, some cookies and a couch. I could not be happy with the as* that creates though. But sometimes, sometimes......

At 12:38 PM, Blogger Laurie said...

The extremes are what we love about you and make you unique. Thank you for giving us a here to come to.

At 1:43 PM, Blogger TriDaddy said...

To steal a line from Full Metal Jacket... I think it's the "duality of man".

At 2:12 PM, Blogger Nancy Toby said...

M&Ms are the staff of life.

At 2:43 PM, Blogger Iron Pol said...

Umm, ahem... What about peanut M&Ms? Or, to quote B-Boy, Emma-Emmas.

Sometimes, getting back on track is harder than starting in the first place. And you're fighting a triple whammy. Getting back into it after a (forced?) off-season. And holiday season. And fighting illness and injury.

Just remember, after a few days back in the saddle, you'll forget that it seemed hard in the beginning.

At 4:55 PM, Blogger TriBoomer a.k.a. Brian said...

If there's any that can beat the Common Man Syndrom it's you.

Stay tuned...

At 9:43 AM, Blogger Papa Tweet said...

I feel your pain Comms. I too have been a whiny bitch lately. When I read my posts from a couple months ago, I feel like someone else must have written them. I just don't feel that way anymore. I guess what I'm trying to say is that sometimes, things get difficult. Writing about them, atleast for me, seemed to help me find my way through it. I don't think that makes me a wuss, it just means I was in over my head for a while. I guess what I'm trying to say is that hard times come and go. We can't always be expected to win every single battle. But what we can and should expect, is that we fight every battle with everything we have. That is why you will find your way out of this rut. Because you are fighting the good fight. You recognize the issue and you're doing everything you know how to deal with it.

I don't know if this helps, but these are just my thoughts. Good luck Comms, there's nothing fun about a rut, but there's nothing better than the high you will be feeling when you find your way out of it.

At 11:09 AM, Blogger SingletrackJenny (formerly known as IronJenny) said...

Comm - what do you mean? That sounds like a perfect day! Pass the chips!
My advice - just have severeal things on your calendar all year. Then you are always looking forward to something. Two, engage this as a life-long thing. It doesn't end after the next race.
Love you, Mann.
p.s. - you gonna eat the rest of those M & M's? can you pass them over here?

At 8:43 AM, Blogger Habeela said...

Well, since this is your chronicle of triathlon training, complain away man! It's your blog after all! Having said that, I love the reaffirmation! :) Welcome to 2007 - again!

At 9:48 PM, Blogger Mike said...

Great post Comm- we've all been in that rut before and it sounds like your idea of heaven (movies, books, chocolate, etc) is pretty close to mine! Funny how we can be so drawn to such polar opposites with the fitness / triathlon eh?

Also awesome that you can count your blessings regarding your great family- keep it rolling in 07!


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