Sunday, January 07, 2007

Follow the Leader and 30 degrees

Went to great birthday party yesterday for Hardcore Mikes ten year old son. I am never sure what to get a pre-teen or teen, or anyone for that matter so I tried to get something that mattered. I got him a classic edition (meaning color pictures inside and a clear dust jacket outside) of Tom Sawyer. I personally love the book Tom Sawyer and being about the same age as Tom, hope that he one day reads it and appreciates it. Among the r/c cars and Star Wars toys, it may sit awhile.

Mighty Mo, regardless of how he felt was Full On Play with all the boys there and they really dug him. Hardcore has a trampoline in his backyard (with the requisite netting) and Mo got all the boys to play with him in it and they all wanted him to be in there with them. He chased them around and growled like a dinosaur. They played dinosaur tag. He can get any group of kids to play that game. He is the dinosaur and he growls and chases the big kids around.

The rest of us old timers caught up on our training and holidays and hung out.

Sunday morning for some dumb reason, though secretly I loved it, a bunch of us met for our usual Wednesday Usery Pass ride with a 12 mile out and back set of rollers thrown in. When I left my house at 0530 it was 29 degrees. When I got back in my car when we finished, it was 37. Since we ride along a river and have measured it in the past, I know it dropped ten degrees in many stretches. It was F-ing cold.

Now I know many of you are scoffing, "Cold, come here I will show you cold." The water on top of my my aero bottle froze. Twice. Why twice? Because I was so freaking amazed the first time and pulled it all off for people to see, then it did it again.

Other than being very under dressed for such a ride, it was a...manageable training session and glad I got the mileage in.

Been taking down the holiday stuff, with Mo telling us, "It's not baby Jesus birthday anymore. We gotta put away."

Somehow, we are not sure how he did this or knew what to do, since Mistress use this function, but he stood up on the counter and pushed a button on our over the stove microwave, started the message system on it, giggled and laughed himself silly for several seconds, then saved it. No clue what cosmic scheme brought all that together but its a blessing to hear.


At 7:25 AM, Blogger Vickie said...

30 degrees on a bike is f-ing cold! Been there, done that. While it can be tolerated in January, it is not appreciated in the least in June!

At 10:51 AM, Blogger :) said...

That's too cold to be riding.

At 11:09 AM, Blogger Phil said...

Jeepers. Thanks to extremely unusually weather conditions (Global Warming???), I think it was actually warmer up here than it was down there on Sunday.

At 11:38 AM, Blogger momo said...

comm - you have to cut yourself some slack, you live in az, so your body is used to the heat! 30 degrees for us is probably like 10 or less for those that live in cold weather places. of course, i have absolutely no scientific evidence to back that up, but it sure seems reasonable, doesn't it? ;-) glad to see you back and on the mend!

At 11:47 AM, Blogger Laurie said...

I can just picture Mo growling at the older boys like a dinosaur. Oh so cute!

At 11:59 AM, Blogger TriDaddy said...

Hey, at least you weren't riding a bike for nearly 1,000 miles on the frozen Yukon River in 1900!

At 12:06 PM, Blogger TriDaddy said...

At least you weren't riding nearly a thousand miles on the frozen Yukon River during the winter of 1900...

At 1:09 PM, Blogger Jen said...

Finally!! I haven't been able to access your blog since before New Years. No idea why - I could still it through bloglines though...Anyway a bit belated I know but my best wishes to you & your family for the new year.

Wow. I've never heard of your drink bottle icing up before. But then again, I live in beautiful (and very mild) Sydney :-)


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