Thursday, December 07, 2006

Party's and Foul's

Tonight is the first of many Christmas parties I will be attending the next few weeks. This one is actually at a partners house which is a catered event for the employees. Its usually a nice affair, every once and awhile an employee gets a little to soused and hits on someone's wife thinking they are another employee. A good employee going down the wrong path will be led into a back bedroom and given the prosperity talk if they follow the right path.

Saturday is a celebrity wedding in Scottsdale. It will undoubtedly be a formal affair with lots of money being thrown into it, though none into my pocket. I'll make sure to go back to the open bar and filet mignon aperitifs often.

The back is getting better but more focused over my right back pocket. I am still planning on the ride of silence on Saturday morning. All the AZTRICLUB members are riding to the start then riding with the group to the finish. It ends just a mile from my house so Mistress and I invited all the team mates back to our house for breakfast before they ride home themselves.

I think this ride will be the deciding point in my training for the rest of the year. Ramp up or shut it down completely.


At 2:14 PM, Blogger Born To Endure said...

Will we see pics of you wearing a lamp shade? :-D


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