Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Whoosy, fuzzy...

I guess if spend enough time behind enemy lines you eventually get caught. After living in a germ infested house for a month and being germ phobic for the two weeks prior to Ironman I was bound to get my due. I have a bit of a head cold now. The weather took a big turn for the colder the last 48 hours and think the food poisoning just primed the pump for a cold. Normally I would think that the vomiting was a part of the illness but you don't start a head cold with five hours of puking your guts up.

The raspy voice from vomiting has been replaced by the one caused by post nasal drip. Oh well. This happens. Its all above my shoulders right now so I am still going to go out for my run this afternoon. The goal is a short and simple five miles though if this glorious body begins to bust up I can Bug-Out at three miles.

Mistress and Mighty Mo are doing much better for those that have inquired. Mo is now able to give himself his own breathing treatments which is such a relief for us. Most of the time he holds the mask to his face but lately will allow us to strap it around his head so he has two hands free for toys and such.

Mistress is feeling better each day though my plan to give her last Sunday off to herself went up in flames and she became a bit grumpy. Its understandable. She and Mo have spent a lot of time together on the couch and she needs to 'ME' time. In a fair and equitable turn I told her she could shop for and buy a new living room set this weekend to complement the new leather couch set she bought two weeks ago for the family room. Its also an early Christmas present.


At 12:10 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

i say give mistress a gift certificate to a spa. if that doesn't make her feel better, nothing will.

hope you feel better soon!

oh, and by the way, thank you for not mentioning that my voice was deeper than yours. that would have been uncomfortable!


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