Saturday, December 16, 2006

Hug your kids

Mistress just got a phone call from our good friend. A mutual family friend of ours lost her 4 month old son to SIDS last night. She has a five year old boy and a three year old boy right now. She lost twins 7 days after they were born six and a half year ago. Mistress was there for every day of that at the hospital.

Five kids born and now only two survive. From the report the parents are not even in shock yet. They were talking and laughing at jokes through the day. Their families live in Washington and the storms have locked them down till early next week. Mistress is pretty sure the father will be okay with time but her and our friends are worried about the mother. The death of twins was hard on her. A third is...well hug your kids tonight.

I have told Mo a few times to give Mommy a hug since she looks worn down after the call. When we were alone in the bathroom, Mo says, "I got's to give mommy a hug. I am mommy's star angel."

I am sure Mo will be sleeping in our bed tonight.


At 6:45 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

The depth of that kind of tragedy is hard to fathom. I'm sure their family will appreciate the support and caring that will come from yours.

At 11:13 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

so sorry to hear about this... i can't even begin to fathom the pain involved. thanks for sharing.

At 12:16 PM, Blogger Duane said...

One thing that always makes me tear up is when someone loses a child. I have two daughters and the thought they could die really wrecks me. My wife miscarried twins and a single between our two kids and it is something you live with, you don't really ever get over it. I'm glad they have support from you guys, love and caring really makes it easier to deal with what is devastating loss

At 8:08 PM, Blogger Nancy Toby said...

How terribly sad. My two (surviving triplet) girls are both sick right now, but I'll remember that tonight when they're waking me up to take care of them. Thanks for the reminder.

At 7:55 AM, Blogger Fe-lady said...

I was just going to post about my daughter and how she is my miracle! Children ARE our angels and teach us so much! Hope the family is OK over time, but I don't know how one gets over something like's with you always.


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