Sunday, December 10, 2006

Half time

Now that was a freaking wedding. I am going to guess a good $60,000 shindig. The vegetables were a bit over salted, well they were rubbed in the stuff but the filet mignon's were off the hook and the salmon was great.

I suppose any wedding with ten bridesmaids makes for a long ceremony but the outdoor location was beautiful and weather perfect. There was some traffic issues so we were right on the time button but they delayed a few minutes recognizing the issue. As we sat down some friends remarked that they saw someone running along the side of the road with their iPod on and they swore it was me running to the wedding, (I live 30 miles away).

Mistress and I tag teamed the booze. I got my two double grey goose vodka, splash of cran during the cocktail hour and then she got the wine and champagne during the dinner and party. She had a better time than me.

Sunday is NFL day and I got my dad and I tickets for the Seahawk / Cardinals game for his Christmas gift. We are sitting in the coaches seats on the 30 yard line. Good tickets. We are going early because The Machines son is competing in the state final "Punt, Pass, Kick" contest in the morning then doing a little something at the halftime show. Plus we are both big Seattle football fans. If he wins they fly them to a NFL play off game for a regional final. Between his morning contest and the afternoon game I am taking the old man to Cabela's for a run around the massive store or over to Luke AFB for a trip to the PX. I haven't been there for years and it's been a while for him as well. Then back to the stadium for a bit of tailgating with The Machine and his family.

Go Hawks!


At 8:33 PM, Blogger SingletrackJenny (formerly known as IronJenny) said...

Don't make me drag out my People Magazine to find out which celebrity wedding you attended... was Luke or Owen Wilson there????

At 8:41 PM, Blogger tri-mama said...

Oh, I'm sorry......

We take full credit for Denny

At 6:37 AM, Blogger greyhound said...

If we drive, Mrs. Greyhound always has a better time than me. Greyhound gets to go all out only if we rent a room, in which case . . . oops . . . TMI

At 8:55 AM, Blogger Comm's said...

It was not as celeb as to make a gossip mag. 'Famous and well to do family'. well connected. Money bag parents on both sides.

At 10:02 AM, Blogger Spokane Al said...

It sounds like your father was prior military, perhaps retired. I spent 26 years in the USAF. Please give him my thanks for his service.

At 10:07 AM, Blogger Comm's said...

Both of us are and my brother is still serving. Dad hit manditory retirement as a Full Bird and I got out after ten, most as a grunt and a couple years as a Bradley Platoon Leader after OCS.

I will give him your regards. I used to fly out of Fairchild AFB in Spokane quite often when i was an ROTC DI at Wash. St. Univ.


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