Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Clyde in the box...

It is always interesting to look in the mirror when your on the back side of the training cycle looking up with glee at the training ahead.

I weigh less than I did last year. Fitter, faster, leaner. Blah. While I am a new convert to the sanctity of the taper and recover period, watching my silhouette change is soooo not right.

I trust the experts that say periods like this usually bring about a new level of fitness for the coming year. I trusted them in my taper for IM and I will trust them in this.

I have done enough damage to my normally frugal diet lately that I have not much apprehension regarding the Christmas food that is fast approaching my offices and homes. Now that the switch is flipped and I am charging ahead with training all those indulgences will be tempered with focus and purpose.

There will still be obstacles ahead but a life with purpose includes sacrifice and sometimes passing the pie.


At 4:09 PM, Blogger JasonWomack said...

"There will still be obstacles ahead but a life with purpose includes sacrifice and sometimes passing the pie."

I especially appreciate you reminding me of this "ebb and flow" of process.

Just today, I was working here in Dayton, OH (I'll be back in sunny CA soon enough) and I watched as someone got confused - and ultimately frustrated - thinking the "process" was the end product.

It's like training...it's not always "train to train." There is generally some "thing" that's bigger than us that's out there waiting for us to step up.

I'm looking forward to year 2007. I'm leaving a full(er) time job that kept me on the road 225 nights a year for the past few years. I've got a renewed sense of purpose, and your post here reminds me to refocus on that!

At 10:32 PM, Blogger Papa Tweet said...

Yes, the holidays are no time to be tapering, or "taking a break". atleast, not for me. This is the time of year that I need to stay focused. If I don't, I could weight 260 lbs in three weeks!

At 6:50 AM, Blogger Iron Pol said...

I'm in the middle of the road on this topic, which is a great way to get hit by a car.

While training like a madman, I have been indulging in a bit of "non-training diet" foods. Too many parties, get togethers, and meals to try and be completely stuck on a training diet.

So, I'll follow the Roman Mica theory. As long as I swim an extra 1000 yards (or run a few more miles), I can have that...


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