Monday, November 20, 2006

Pass the Purell

Mistress didn't make it to the get together last night, she slept the afternoon away and didn't seem much better by the time we got back. Back to the doctors today or tomorrow. As soon as she can get in. I know this sounds redundant, redundant, but this is sort of the life that we live. Mistress has always had allergies and asthma and it can be hard for her to recover from illness, which primes her for another illness to occur.

We started to up doses on the Mighty Mo so that we could build up his immunity but this morning he woke up to head cold symptoms. Based on his panel of doctors and the history he has with them, it should just be a call in for meds.

I have my last triathlon of the year on Thursday. I may not have had the busiest triathlon year as far as total races but I may be in the running for the longest season; it started on March 18 and ends on November 23.

Friday the AzTriClub officially closes down Canyon Lake for open swims. We are going to go to the actual beach area and swim along the shore as a safety precaution for hypothermia. Not very far but enough to call it good. Then we will bask in the sun and drink beer and I will fire up my camp stove for some big bowls of soup or something like that. Maybe get a bonfire going.


At 9:33 AM, Blogger Fe-lady said...

Where are you racing Thurs? Best of luck! Saguaro lake!? It was the site of my very first tri, so I have a fondness for it and try to enter a race using the lake every year..(Xterra) just to bring back "old memories" of 1982~!

At 12:10 PM, Blogger Rainbow said...

I wish I was a member of the AzTriClub family. Y'all have a lot of fun together.

Let's hope Mistress and Mo recover soon.

At 1:10 PM, Blogger SingletrackJenny (formerly known as IronJenny) said...

Triathlon on Thursday? You mean the shower-dash? followed by a record-breaking T1 through the walk-in for the in-law approved outfit-donning, prior to the high speed take-no-prisoners brow-wiping who-needs-turn-indicators-anyway dash in the SUV to Walgreens for all those last minute "dang-its" like (duh) dinner rolls, followed by your way-too-slow T2 in the kitchen for the rarely-admitted time-consuming left-over nibblng leg which immediately precedes the final sprint to the best TV-viewing spot on the couch?

Yeah - I didn't register for that this year. Te-he.

Have a great race!!!

At 1:29 PM, Blogger Tri-Angle said...

Who's all doin that one Comm? Is that out in Goodyear? Or at Scottsdale CC?
Let me know, we'll come root you on.


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