Tuesday, November 21, 2006

My big fat fingers

I go and post about a race on Thanksgiving and now I am not doing it. Ah Crap.

Mistress has not recovered very well from the bronchitis she caught in Florida earlier this month and has been going to bed very early to get all the rest she can. I want her to get uninterrupted sleep. That leaves me to take care of Mo for bed, clean up the house a bit, chill a bit, close down the house and then take care of Mo during the night for his stuff which is around 11pm and then 3pm.

Not that big a deal if your like Mistress who can fall asleep standing up. Not so much for someone like me that takes at least an hour to knock out once I am upright for more than a few steps. So a 5 minute procedure with Mo equals a 6 minute lack of sleep for Mistress and at least 60 minutes for me.

I stay up till 11 for Mo, then fall asleep around midnight. Wake up around 2:30 then fall asleep around 3:30. We get up between 5:30 and 6:00. I'm pretty tired myself.

Mistress has to work for a few hours on Thanksgiving morning to get some numbers done and to race means she is taking Mo with her. Add one hour to her day because everyone wants to play and be around Mo and that distracts Mistress. Not cool. As it is, we decided to not do any cooking at our house for Thanksgiving and instead will be going to out for a nice dinner so she doesn't foolishly squander her energy.

Mo has a doctor appointment on Wednesday. Its part monthly routine for his myriad issues and part to deal with some possible cold symptoms we want checked out before the big holiday weekend.

How's that...some people go and get their car service before a big trip. Others make sure all their dry cleaning is picked up for a party weekend. Us? We take our kid in for medical check ups because its hell to get a script written over a holiday weekend when your kid invariably gets sick.

Continue the Mission.


At 5:43 PM, Blogger Ellie Hamilton said...

I wish I'd met Mo and Mistress in FL....

At 7:00 PM, Blogger TriDaddy said...

I'm the same with sleep and we also are going out for Thanksgiving (the first time ever to give Sandi a break). Brothers I tell ya... well, everything except the part about running on Thanksgiving. That's fundamentally wrong. Turkey Trots be damned. Never done it. never will.

At 8:27 PM, Blogger Iron Pol said...

Any chance of taking Mighty Mo in a jogging stroller? Obviously, the health issue takes precedence, but I know B-Boy would probably kill to get to go in a road race.

But tarheeltri has it right. It's just wrong to run on Thanksgiving. Swim, now that's a different story...

At 7:35 AM, Blogger :) said...

Don't sweat missing the race...you've had your big fun for the year, anyway!

Hope the Dr. appt. goes smoothly and mistress is back to her normal self soon...

Happpy Thanksgiving.

At 8:18 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

A Rx in the hand with a holiday weekend in the offing is almost priceless.

May you all feel 100% soon.

Happy Thanksgiving!

At 11:30 AM, Blogger tri-mama said...

Hey Tridaddy, you just don't get the equation: shortest possible race = largest possible extra helpings, guilt free :-) Don't sweat it though Comm, it's a long holiday season, might as well do all the things you can to get healthy as soon as possible. Happy T DAY!


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