Wednesday, November 15, 2006

French Anti Doping Lab 2: Floyd Landis 1 equals tie

Sometimes you have to feel sorry for the French. Actually I'm kidding. The lab that tested Floyd Landis stating that he is positive in two samples from last years TdF, now says they have an 'administrative error'.

Thats French for "We got caught doctoring our results."

I want to root for the World Anti Doping Agency (WADA) in their fight against cheating professional athletes. I really do. However WADA, thanks to the French, lose every shread of credibility they gain by...what's that French word...oh yes, 'surrendering', by surrendering any moral high ground they gain with gross incompetence and rampant accusations in the face of over overwhelming contra-evidence. I think specifically of Lance Armstrong the most tested cyclist in the world with a perfect record and yet according to this same French doping lab, the biggest doper of them all.

Its sad really. I predict next year Floyd will be 'administerly' exonerated, amid great a flury of commotion but still not given back his title. And America will once again take to the time honored tradition of bashing the French.

Like that ever stops.


At 6:14 AM, Blogger Iron Pol said...

Interesting. I hadn't heard this news. If true, I hope it takes less time than several months to rectify the damage they have done.

At 8:05 AM, Blogger :) said...

those cheese-eating surrender-monkeys! ;)

Too bad. He will never be looked at like a true champion, even if he is. Cycling has such a black eye in the mainstream media now. It will take a long time for this to go away, if ever.

Basso's taking it next heard it here first...

At 1:03 PM, Blogger greyhound said...

HERE HERE! Slander can travel round the world before the truth even gets its boots on.

Q: Why are there trees planted on the Champs Elysess in Paris?

A: So the Germans, the Americans, Lance, Floyd, and every other conquering entity on earth will have a nice shady place to take their victory lap.


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