Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Much ado...

Yesterday was our first dry monsoon of the year. Monsoons for those NOT in the know, are massive dust storms, 3 miles high, moving at 40+ mph and ripping through the area. They are usually followed by super charged electrical storms with between .5 and 3 inches of rain falling in just a couple hours and thousands of lightening bolts and unceasing thunder.

Yesterday was a dry monsoon, all the rain and lightening stayed south in Tuscon. Maybe Fe-Lady can comment on that. I heard that there were 18,000 sky to ground lightening strikes in three hours.

Follow HERE and click on third link: Huge Dust Storm Enfolds Valley and click the 'Wall of Dust' link. Its a short video from a local news station with good footage.

Awoke this morning to great weather and headed out for my Wednesday ride. Took it slow but this week is a get the feeling back and build that foundation week, after the drama that was May 2006. Had a new addition to the ride, Heather a Tennessee transplant who is working with The Machine, who among many envious titles is a USAT Level 1 coach.

Heather is doing IMFL.

Triathlete Alliance?
You know it is hard to describe our Triathlete Alliance to new people. I will say, "Oh your doing Florida too. I will give you my blog address so you can get hooked in with over a dozen friends of mine doing Florida with me...course most of us have never met. But its a good way, everyday to get some motivation for whats coming up. On top of that there is like 90 of us with Tri-Blogs that you can get a lot of information and fellowship from."

They say, "Ahhhh, okay." They think, 'cuckoo-cuckoo-cuckoo'.

Political Sidebar
Actually Heather had a unique comment, "Well as long a George Bush isn't a part of your blog I'll read it."

Well Heather, this is a Tri-Blog and sometimes, in a wide arc sort of way, I bring politics into it but mostly if its not tri-centered or my life-centered, or sponsor-centered, please see the sidebar ;), the spotlight is on the Mighty Mo, my beloved three year old and my wife, aka Mistress.

BTW thank you for the political segway, I loved W's first term and not so impressed with his second. I have not renewed or sent money to the GOP in three years because I believe they have mucked it up, though I do support individuals candidates. I live in Arizona and can't stand John McCain. I believe in the Global War On Terror. I am a Green-Conservative meaning I care deeply about rugged individualism, small government, lowering taxes and protecting the environment. I am not a fan of scooters but I am a fan of one who rides them. But don't hold that against me...not that I like someone who rides a scooter, but that I am a republican.

I am a deeply political person and the foundaion of my core values were shaped by my life experineces and two years of intense daily conversation with a powerlifting mentor who happen to be a communist. No not a socialist, a communist. The difference between the two as I told him once, "A socialist will put you in jail, a communist will put you against the wall and shoot you." Funny enough it was one of the few political statements that he didn't debate me on.

If anyone wants to have a dialogue in an ongoing e-mail exchange I am more than willing, though I will not do it openly on this blog. There, now I have made my political statement for the year.

Lets focus on Ironman and Triathlon. Have Fun.


At 10:38 AM, Blogger Cliff said...

That bit about telling others u meant ppl through the net....oh yeah..i am sure my friends think i am nuts too :)

At 5:03 AM, Blogger Nancy Toby said...

Hey Heather!!! You and I will get along just fine! Hope to see you at IMFL!! :-)

At 10:01 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

wait... you're a republican? there goes any chance we had of a friendship!!! :)

that's okay though... i was raised republican, went through a democrat phase in college (about the same time i started drinking), and am currently without party. oh, there's plenty of parties wherever I go (see my last post), but politics? more of an unaffiliated democrat who sometimes likes what the republicans do... although, that's been further and farther between as of late.


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