Friday, June 02, 2006

Turned to Zero

Just getting off to bed and feeling a bit hurt from the day. Mistress even felt my morose and made me my favorite blackberry and apple tart for a desert.

The source of my funk? My bonk. I admit for the last three weeks its been either a 75 hour work week, a full week stuck in my chair for a conference interpersed with "Commodore I need these twenty things done before the meeting, during the breaks and afterwards", then a week of the stomach flu and the attending lack of energy.

I sound like a whinny little bitch and maybe I am tonight because my run today sucked. My planned thirty minute run in the 110 degree sun turned into a disasterous affair leaving me questioning...and thats the worst part of preparing for Ironman, the questioning.

So after my run, or should I say shuffle or should I say walk, I feel like I am at zero base. When just two months ago I was at a peak ready to complete the Ironman itself (Arizona) if I could have only got a slot, which I tried very hard to do.

Luckily The Machine was willing to do a 'recovery brick' with me on Saturday morning since everyone else is scattered to the wind and he was going to sleep in. I write recovery but right now its more 'reassurance'.

This flu took me to the cleaners. I really felt the expenditure of nutritents from my body being leached by the fight going on inside and I still have not been able to normalize. My lips are chapped which means I am still dehydrated. You know when you can taste your breath and it just seems not right? I still feel that way. I have been doubling up on calcium and multi-vitamins to replace all the leaching during the worst of it but its a slow process.

Maybe I should still take this weekend off, and I suppose I am since my Saturday brick is not my normally hardcore affair. Nothing is planned for Sunday but I would certainly like to do some kind of early run.

Its these middle innings where the metal is tested. The game has been going a few innings, everyone is comfortable in their seats and waiting for the foul balls and home runs, the 7th inning stretch still a ways off. What I do now still defines me as much as what I did over the winter and what I do next month.

I am rambling...time for bed and a mental recharge.


At 11:11 PM, Blogger Ann (bunnygirl) said...

Those first few workouts after an illness are often an unpleasant surprise. I know I've been disappointed to the point of tears in my first run or ride after being ill, and I don't cry easily!

You know what to do-- rest and nourish your body and be patient with yourself. Lower your expectations for a couple of weeks. You'll be feeling fast and strong again before you know it!

At 3:56 AM, Blogger TriDaddy said...

You've got plenty of time. You may not be feeling the benefits of all the work you've done so far, but it will allow you to ramp up quickly when you're back to 100%.

You're not alone with the work stuff. I didn't leave my office earlier than 10pm the past week and a week-old sinus infection prior to that has left me pretty drained and workout-less.

We'll get it back though!

At 6:56 AM, Blogger Habeela said...

Tis the season Comm's! It looks like we're all suffering from the same thing. Hang in there. One step at a time and you'll be back to normal in no time.

At 8:53 AM, Blogger Lance Notstrong said...

I got sick before my last half marathon. I had to lay off for two weeks and once I started back, it felt like starting over. But after about a week, the fitness started to return. Hang in that guy on The Waterboys says, "you can do it"!!! :-)


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