Monday, June 05, 2006

What a mess

So the tone of my last post was pretty frustrating for me. I appreciate all the comment left trying to bolster my confidence.

I should tell you that I cancelled my training on Saturday and felt terrible for doing it. I convinced The Machine to do the training with me and then I woke Saturday feeling worse if that is possible. I felt there was no way I could do any training.

Instead I decided to tag along to a kids birthday party at some huge warehouse full of those big bouncy castles and slides. There was kids everywhere and music piped in as loud as a rock concert. Between the dehydration, migraine, nausea and upset stomach, I went to the bathroom and puked my guts up. I didn't tell anyone because I actually did want to go to my training parther Andy's house for his kids 4th birthday.

I did have a good time there and then spent the rest of the day on the couch or in bed. Sunday I felt better but took off. There are too few Sundays coming up that I can hang out in the morning with Mo so we blew bubbles outside, watched Topper our Lab catch and kill a bird then have to explain to Mo why the bird was not making noise and moving (went well), then went to the movies to see Over The Hedge.

Good movie, not great, Mo didn't like it, I thought it was okay. Two extremely funny scenes; first was RJ (Bruce Willis) explaining how a human's life revolves around food. Talk about a great illustration. The second was The Peoples Elbow a cop gives a woman at the very end. For those that are fans of The Rock from WWE will know the movie, play the first you tube video after the jump.

In other news, its forecasted 110 today. It was 112 yesterday. For goodness sakes people are passing out in parking lots from the heat. The heat advisery stating, "Don't be outside" runs from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. It does however not qualify as a Weather Alert in the new's programs. Oh no that is reserved for some city back east that got seven inches of rain over the weekend. I can't stand local news that has to use shock graphics and music like "Weather Alert" and then the alert is for some po'dunk city 3,000 miles away.


Just call Martial Law for cryin' out loud.


At 9:56 AM, Blogger :) said...

Stinkin' heat. It's not that hot here....yet. I can feel it coming, though. Keep drinking, my friend!

I spent the weekend in the pool with only my head halfway out so I could breathe (crocodile style)!

At 6:45 AM, Blogger Cliff said...

Ouch, that's hot.

I want to watch that movie as well. Looks hilarious.


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