Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Like New Shoes

Do you have a favorite pair of shoes that still have life left in them but look like the dead? How about a comfy pair that you can't run in anymore but would love to wear them around town, if they didn't look like you ran through a mile of mud in them?

Well I have a solution for you, my fine folks. Lean right in and take a read.

First you need these items;
1 meduim tupperware tub
Dry Tide laundry detergent, 1.5-2.0 cups per shoe
garden hose
nylon brush or scrubby pad

Pour the tide into the tupperware and mix just enough water to make a thick batter. Then slop the batter all over the top and sides of the shoe, getting the tongue and the sides of the soles. It is not neccessary to remove the laces. It will dry quickly. Place in a dry place for a few hours, overnight being the best case.

Using a garden hose, (a high pressure nozzle being optimum) spray the tide batter off the shoes. Use the brush to scrub the mix completely off and removing any of the slickness that remains. Be sure to spray into the shoe cleaning the insert and draining any remaining tide out of the shoe. You will know the detergent is gone when there are no more suds showing and the shoe does not feel slippery.

I guarantee amazing results or you can have your old look back.


At 1:35 PM, Blogger Nancy Toby said...

That sounds like a lot of work! I just put the old ones through the washing machine on cold. NOT hot, and NOT in the drier, or the heel cup will melt and ruin them!

At 6:11 PM, Blogger Habeela said...

I like Nancy's method!

At 7:05 AM, Blogger Cliff said...

I have a pair of runners that still have blood stain last Sept from my Bike accident...i ain't washing those stains away.... :)

At 7:05 AM, Blogger Cliff said...

I like my shoes dirty looking....if they are brand new...that means I haven't train hard enough :D

At 8:59 AM, Blogger jp said...

Sounds like a messy job.

I just toss mine into the washing machine w/o the laces on Cold. Toss a bath towel in there as well so they don't bang around so much in the spin cycle...let 'em air dry...good as new.


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