Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Not the worst that can happen

Well thankfully I don't have a sinus infection. I do however have a very nasty head cold. The doctor gave me two scripts, one over the counter to fill for a massive head cold and one for antibotics to hold on to in case things get worse.

Other than the vise squeezing my eye sockets and vertigo every time I stand up, I feel good from the neck down. I may even try to run for a couple of miles (I actually typed "hours" instead of miles out of habit, haha).

Lord knows the whole chocolate bunny I devoured with crunchy peanut butter last night did me know good. I heard that if you can't taste it or smell it the calories don't count. Have you heard that too? Well I tried to put that past my scale and it only worked 1 out of 3 weigh in's this morning.

In other news, still no sight or sound of my lost iPod, though I am considering a support group. Do you know how many people have lost iPods? I keep telling people my plight and they tell me they have lost one at some point as well. No wonder they keep making them smaller.

I haven't had a chance to put my new shoes or pedals to use. This week for sure. Maybe. I think the only thing for certain this week is that it I certainly will think.


At 9:36 PM, Blogger Ann (bunnygirl) said...

Who saw you eat the chocolate bunny? You know these sorts of things only have calories if someone actually sees you eating them, right?

Sorry about the sinus issues. That's never any fun. Glad to hear you're staying on top of it, though.

At 9:03 AM, Blogger Habeela said...

No no...it's not if you can't taste or smell it it doesn't count. It's if you eat TWO of them! Two wrongs in the case of food do make a right...or so I've been told! And if that doesn't work for you then go eat a big salad and that will definitely cancel out the bunny. :)

At 9:55 AM, Blogger Cliff said...

Man..now i want to devour a chocolate bunny....

At 11:00 AM, Blogger Chris said...

Any luck with reducing the float on those Zeros? There should be a way...

Hope you feel better soon, man!

At 8:43 AM, Blogger ShesAlwaysWrite said...

My husband lost his iPod in the Tokyo airport on a business trip about a month ago. I could've killed him - he'd only had it for a few months.


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