Saturday, March 18, 2006

Sleepy Doldrums

Finally getting the mental itch to ramp it up again. Things as I have related lately have been stressful and choatic and fast paced, overloaded with responsiblities to everyone but myself and my own normally selfish pursuits.

Admittedly it was a long push to get to this point, five months of hardcore training capped by 40 days of No Limits and the Epic Training Weekend. Everyone getting sick and injuried during a two week recovery/taper period was good timing though I feel I over-tapered by missing some base maintenence training.

Now I am physically feeling soft, put on a couple pounds and mentally tired of taking care of everyone else but me. Tired of putting off a run or ride or staying late for a swim so that I can do things for everyone else. Tired of being tired from things other than triathlon workouts. See told you I am selfish. This will be a good weekend to shake the cobwebs from the ol' empty barn upstairs, or what I refer to as my head.

I have been honest enough with myself that most all of my sporadic training the last two weeks is from being needed by others and not Common Man Syndrome. I am also honest enough to admit that that has not been the case the last 48 hours. I have had the time, the ability and the permission but not the motivation.

This morning I went for a 3 mile run, very easy ten minute pace while Mighty Mo had a nebulizer treatment. This afternoon is a bike fitting short ride to work out the kinks before the sprint tri tomorrow. Sunday is my first tri of 2006 (300y/12m/5k). After that the afterburners should kick in, the rally signal flashed into the sky ala The Bat Signal and the AzTriClub back to regular duties prepping its members for Ironman Arizona.

My goal over the next two month phase will be to drop some L-B's, incorporate some more upper body work and loosen up my back and legs. I am now pretty confident in all my abilities and have learned some valuable lessons over the winter to help with training for Florida.

Its blue sky from here on out.


At 9:07 AM, Blogger tri-mama said...

I wouldn't be too hard on yourself. I mean, the stress of hosting Tridaddy and myself alone would cause a man to break down-not to mention that long and intense a training schedule. Sometimes I think we need a mental break as much as a physical taper. The good Lord must know that as well-eg the timing of the sickness-It's a long road to Florida-sitting on the side every so often will guarantee you arrive mentally fresh.

Thanks for the input about the Y member-I'll pass it along.


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