Sunday, March 12, 2006

Over Taper

Thank you all so much for your kind words to Mistress. She is feeling better with her sinus and ear infection. Nytro was phophetic in her comment stating she could diagnose any illness or ankle injury since Mistress got laid out by her 50 pound lab puppy on Friday who charged under her legs from behind and laid her out flat twisting her ankle badly.

This is the first real physical injury Mistress has ever sustained. Since we have been married for over ten years you would think that she would appreciate my dedication to physical harm and listen to my advice. No such thing. So she called the In-Laws and had them take her to the doctors who told her the same thing I did, sprained ankle, gave her the same advice I did without her rolling her eyes and gave her what I told her they would, a soft splint and 48 hours off her foot.

With all this injury now and illness earlier in the week, plus the two inches of rain yesterday, The Commodore has really not worked out much, if at all this last week, taking care of the family. I woke up this morning stiff, sore and with a headache. Not like after a hard training day but like my body upset that my training is so light.

Is it possible for a body to become so trained to exercise that the it can overtaper due to almost no precieved effort? Have any of you ever experienced that? Its later in the day now and I feel for the most part fine, but I can tell I need to put in some endurance training.

What say you?


At 12:54 PM, Blogger Ann (bunnygirl) said...

I'm glad to hear Mistress is feeling better, even with the sprained ankle. We get pretty good at diagnosing these things after putting in the time training, don't we?

As for your malaise, it's pretty normal, I think. I know I was feeling bad above and beyond the call of illness and corticosteroids while I was sick last month. Unless it gets worse, I say you probably just need a good hard day on the roads!

At 4:43 PM, Blogger Papa Tweet said...

I feel your pain on the lack of training. However, at least in my case, it's more mental than anything. In fact, a little extra rest usually does me some good. The problem is that I mentally rely on training to make me feel good about my day. You might say Im addicted. But, as long as I keep making imporvements to my health and lifestyle, I don't worry about it. I'm sure you're not losing fitness. This is probably why so many people have a tendency to over train before a big race. They think they need the extra work but they really don't. These are just my thoughts. Hope it helps.

At 5:27 PM, Blogger tri-mama said...

That's an interesting question. I think it might not be so much undertraining as under stretching-at least that's what seems to make me more stiff and sore- I tend to forget to stretch on the days I don't train-not good. Good luck this week.

At 6:46 AM, Blogger Bolder said...

i'm totally with the tri-mama. my IT band tightens on the extended breaks like during my move... i don't know if this is because of the lack of training, or lack of stretching -- or both!

i do see the benefit aerobically of the over-taper 'cause i'm good to go. but, the double whammy is that my IT band is not...

good, and timely question Comm.

At 2:01 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

i'm tellin' ya. i've got a nose for these things. rest, elevationg, compression, ice... sucks but it works.

tell her i feel her pain. good luck!


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