Friday, February 17, 2006

Someone to root for

If you watch CBS Survivor this season root for Nick, he is the nephew of one of my business partners. He and I have hung out a few times and is a geniunely nice and affable guy who gets along with everyone. He is slightly introverted but really sharp and competitive so I hope those traits do him well on the show. He is a tall, younger looking guy, who has been wearing a green long sleeve shirt in many shots.

Nick is the third reality contestant that I know pretty well. My friend Joel was on the very first season of Survivor and he came out to Phoenix a couple of times and we had bar party's to watch the show when it was SO popular at the time. He was kicked off right before the jury because the women thought he called them 'cow's' which the show actually showed it wasn't him it was Gervase but the women thought differently at the time.

On another reality show, Forever Eden which was just terrible I had two friends, Mary and Craig on the show. Not only were they friends they worked for my company. In fact Nick worked for us too, until he went to school full time and Joel was a vendor for us. So I guess our little company has had some behind the scenes association with some people who had or are having their 15 minutes of fame.

I guess being located in hottie central doesn't hurt either. There is always a casting call going on somewhere in Tempe or Scottsdale. Two contestants from the Amazing Race, (my all time fav reality show) live in Scottsdale and own a very cool bar called Six. The girl from My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiance was a member of one of my clubs, that was a really cool show to, though it was destined for only one season.

I know its not as exciting as probably those readers from LA or NY who run into important celebritys in line at Starbucks, but for me to see four people that I know very, very well on reality shows over the last seven years is a real kick for me.

Go Nick!


At 9:43 PM, Blogger Cliff said...

Are you saying someday u are going to be on a reality show?? :)

At 9:44 PM, Blogger Cliff said...

If u are..then u wouldn't be worry about being stranded on an island..u will just swim/run and bike (if u can find one) your way back to civilization. :D

At 6:55 AM, Blogger Comm's said...

Oh heavens no, I am not going on a reality show like survivor. I would love to do Amazing Race with my brother or one of my business partners though. That would be so awesome. Amazing Race is the best Reality Show on Tv, bar none.


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