Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Let's Be Honest...

Non-Tri post here folks...Valentines Day is a BS holiday. And not just Valentines Day but Mother's Day, Father's Day, Arbor Day, Halloween theres more; I am an equal opportunity despiser.

I don't think some corporation needs to tell me that regardless of all the good deeds, love letters, flowers and unforgetable moments I give my wife, aka Mistress, during the year; that if I neglect to buy one of their cards or buy some of their candy or overpriced roses and give them to her on February 14th, I am a bad person.

I am not a bad person. I buy Mistress flowers every week, why go out of my way to buy the same bunch for twice the cost during the week of Valentines Day? So I can show society I care about my wife or that I care about the institution of Valentine's Day?

I buy my mom books and candy and speciality things and give her gift certificates all year long to show how much I love and appreciate her. She knows I love her, why do I need to bend to social conformity on Mom's Day? I don't.

Just so you don't think I am some unfeeling robot, let me give you a vision of the personalized side of me. Remember Christmas, just a few months ago really? Remember what people gave you? Maybe one, maybe two gifts. Did you send thank you cards? Come on be honest? To everyone? I do. And when I use their gift for the first time, such as a gift certificate or flashlight or whatever, I send another letter or call them to let them know how their gift was used. This might take all year to use a dinner card.

Just like at Christmas when I wish everyone a un-PC, "Merry Christmas" regardless if they celebrate or not, I will graciously accept all the "Happy Valentines Day" wishes I recieve today. I will even respond will a good heart.

Thats how much I care about people. I love people. I appreicate the gift of giving but don't appreciate the corporate crap that has been heaped on top holidays.

Mistress knows all this. In fact I had a conversation with her because I am conflicted. Yes people I am conflicted. See I will not bow to the Hallmark-Hersey-Industrial-Complex, but I felt that maybe she expected something from the Mighty Mo. Seeing as he is not quite 3 years old that means I would have to buy the card and the gift and sign his name to it. I told her that I would really just like to raise my boy to not have to partake in this holiday and she told me that she only wants something from him when he understands the meaning of the day. She's a good woman.

She obviously has the more traditional "I've bought in" mentality so she thinks I am being just wierd. I told her that if she wants a card and a gift and flowers then I could do all that AND tell her I love her and then be completely unobligated to do any of that or tell her I love her until next February 14th. She laughed and said, "Ah, No." See guys you will never win with Valentines Day. Your expected to dish out all year long but dish out much more on Valentines Day.

So Flame On folks. I expect many of you who have bought expensive jewerly or two dozen roses or going to an expensive dinner tonight to stand up and defend yourself and your expense. As for me, its business as usual, day as usual.


At 7:05 AM, Blogger TriDaddy said...

Well that's just about the nicest thing I've heard in a long while... not the V-day rant, but sending people thank you cards when you use their gifts. I'm going to start doing that as well. Thanks for a great idea!

At 7:20 AM, Blogger :) said...

My wife and I share your feelings 100%!

At 8:06 AM, Blogger Chris said...

I'm totally with you on the Hallmark holiday thing. In fact, all of us are so far. Then again, only men have posted. ;)

At 9:23 AM, Blogger Dr. Iron TriFeist :) said...

Bitter much about commercialism? You have every right to be but who says Valentine's Day = spending money?

Valentine's Day is an excuse for me to be nice to the man who makes my life great. You can't miss the promotions, why not take advantage of the reminder? HE DESERVES an extra day on top of all the other days we show love to each other.

And for all you guys, I don't expect any special gifts, flowers, chocolate. Nada. We moved our regularly scheduled date night to Feb 14th, that's it.

At 9:26 AM, Blogger Dr. Iron TriFeist :) said...

Oh yeah. I did wake up early to fit in a trainer workout AND have time to make a special "I love you" breakfast. Yummy!!!!

At 11:53 AM, Blogger Cliff said...

THat's great CMS. I am like you as well. For xmas, instead of buying gifts..(which ppl don't really use anyways), I write personal cards. Each card i write something personal about that person. I feel this adds that personal touch.

At 12:14 PM, Blogger Flo said...

Excellent post Comm!!! Hubby and I don't really buy into this holiday either. We do nice things for each other all year long for no apparent reason why be forced on this day to do something???

At 2:28 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

as i said earlier, i could not agree with you more. i don't think some corporation should tell me how to express my love for the hubs. in fact, i told him this year that we shouldn't worry about it, and save our money to go to boston and new york... he ended up getting me flowers because he is just the best husband ever. my gift to him today is a back tickle. i think that's enough.

At 3:55 PM, Blogger Ann (bunnygirl) said...

No flames here! I spent ten years in the restaurant biz and I can't stand Amateur Nights and Hallmark Holidays. I'd be embarrassed if my DH went in for roses and chocolates on V-Day. I would feel like I had married a man who couldn't come up with an original idea and had to be told by other people what to do and when to do it.

(FTR, the Godiva chocolates in my bunny photo came from my Mom, not the DH, who knows better.)

At 9:10 PM, Blogger Ellie Hamilton said...

Right on! Love it! Been saying it for years! (Much to the derision of all branches of my family...)

At 12:57 PM, Blogger Recovering Alumni said...

We don't celebrate it much either. My husband already treats me as if every day is Valentine's Day!


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