Saturday, January 21, 2006

No Limits

A challenge to all of you.

I want you to commit until the end of February, essentially the next 39 days, to train with NO LIMITS.

I know most of you, myself included, could all do more in our training. We all have 15 minutes, 30 minutes an hour or more in a day that instead of giving over to Common Man Syndrome we can apply towards base building, or corrective action.

So commit, along with me to spend the next 39 days carving out that non-goal building time and devoting it to strengthing your body. It could be going for a run for 15 minutes or swimming another 500 meters. It could be spending time on core exercises every day or finally doing those corrective stretches that you know you should be doing to fix your tight hamstrings or back.

I am not asking for you to do this for the rest of your life. 39 days. Just 39 days of you training your body as if you have NO LIMITS. For 39 days you are focused like a laser on making your body better for the coming triathlon season. Whatever your doing, you know, you know, you can do more. Whatever that is do it.

Make 2006 the Year of Breakthrough.


At 9:11 AM, Blogger Cliff said...


You are on. I have been slacking for too much.

Its time to kick ass and chew bubble gum..

and I am all out of gum

At 12:30 PM, Blogger Comm's said...

Tight hamstrings need first to heal if there is a serious condition like tearing. After that I suggest gentle stretches that do not stop at any point by continually moving through a range of motion. Depending on tightness, I would first recommend sitting type stretches, a runner stretch for example, then standing type.

My favorite is called a 90/90. While sitting on you rear, take your left leg and put it in a 90 degree angle, your left knee in front of your body, left foot facing to your right side. Take your right leg and do a 90 degree angle to the right side of your body, your right foot behind you. From this position you can then rotate your body in any direction to stretch out your body. Especially the hamstring.

If you have access to a gym or some equipment in your house, ie swiss ball, bands etc, then there are many other good exercises.

At 3:09 PM, Blogger Okolo said...

I'm there!!!

Going to do a core workout (instead of sit on the coach and watch TV) as soon as I finish catching up on blogs.

You're on!!!

At 5:52 PM, Blogger Bolder said...

i'm in.

At 6:42 PM, Blogger Dr. Iron TriFeist :) said...

Joe and I are in!

At 8:03 PM, Blogger Flo said...

What an excellent idea!!! I am in big time. For the next 39 days there will be no mindless time (except at work :) only mindful use of my time.

At 8:13 PM, Blogger Nancy Toby said...

Crap. I just saw that we have 286 days left to become IRONMEN. I'm in! I'll be working toward my usual weekly minimums of 1500m+ swimming, 20+ miles biking, 10+ miles running, but the maximums have NO LIMITS!!

At 9:59 PM, Blogger jp said...

C, I'm in with you.

My personal goal (on top of the tri training) is 100 pushups, 100 crunches every day.

At 9:45 AM, Blogger Ellie Hamilton said...

Ooh! Great idea! I'm in...
Today... crunches and biking.

At 8:21 AM, Blogger Chris said...

I'm in. It's not pretty, but something is better than nothing.

At 1:47 PM, Blogger ShesAlwaysWrite said...

I'm in. I'm at the 'aim for a 15 min run' end of the no limit spectrum... probably means I need it worse than anybody. : )

At 12:37 PM, Blogger Lisa said...

I'm in. I'm a few days behind, but that doesn't mean I won't catch up. I have an hour (most likely) between a clinic and work tomorrow. For now, it'll be 15 minutes of core.

No limits. :)


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