Wednesday, September 07, 2005


MONDAY, September 5, 2005- UPDATES BELOW

Well the trifecta training weekend got bust up at exactly 8:15 pm last night. Mistress sitting down after tucking in Mighty Mo remarked about the odds of misquitos biting her underneath both armpits. By 8:20 pm she found 'bites' behind her ears, along the sweat areas of her bustline, her hands, legs and as the night wore on it became worse and worse and worse. And then the itching started.

At midnight there was the shower. At 0100 she filled down all her fingernails because she was drawing blood from scratching. At 0200 a conversation about going to the ER. By sunrise 80% of her body is covered in a red, itchy rash. To me it looks like she rolled in poison ivy or had a reaction to something she ate or a the med's she got based on her allergy test last week.

She is going to spend the day with doctors so, no ride into work, no 8 mile run, no ride home. I suppose I won't be able to write the great American novel today or paint that masterpiece. First things
Update: Mistress went to the ER and their first assessment is an allegric reaction to something. They gave her an IV of Benadryl and a sleeping agent to knock her out for four or five hours since she did not sleep last night and her parents are shuttling her home.
Update 5:00 pm: Mistress called at 3:00 to tell me the Benadryl is wearing off and the reaction is coming back, she is under orders to return to the ER. The overall redness is down but her face and hands are still swollen and she has large welts all over he torso and legs, like raised like scaring. I dropped her off at the ER and picked up Mighty Mo. She took an overnight bag just in case. Having been in and out of hospitals the last two years with Mighty Mo, we have Bug-Out bags packed and ready.
Update 5:17 pm: Mistress is being held overnight at the hospital as a precaution. On a more humorous note, she has given me a temporary reprieve of my kitchen suspension. Tonight Mighty Mo feasts on microwaved dinosaur nuggets and canned corn, I get to make a turkey sandwich. If only we could eat a pizza!
TUESDAY, September 6, 2005

Update 9:05 am: Just got done visiting Mistress. Dosen't look like she is getting out this morning as planned. She is getting IV med's every four hours but the itching, swelling and rashes return after two or three hours. They want her to get through a full dose, plus an hour before releasing her. I watched as the med's wore off and she subconsciously started itching again. I watched as the rash traveled down her leg towards her calf like a sunrise coming over a mountain, it was travelling fast. Apparently last night she would carry a water bottle in one hand, a cell phone in her other and just walk around the ward to keep from itching herself until she could get more med's. I think she is getting 50 somethings of Benadryl through IV, whereas normally at home you drink 12.5 somethings every 4-6 hours.
Update 11:01 am: Mistress called and asked me if I took her bag of personal allergy and asthma medications when I left this morning. No. Well someone came into her room last night and stole them from her bag on the floor. In a hospital she gets robbed. I just refilled all those meds last weekend for a total of $350 bucks. Yes that is for one month, I said before she was a girl-in-a-bubble as a child. Also the Benadryl she has been on since yesterday through IV has failed and they are looking into what else to give her. The nerve.
Update 1:30 p.m: Mistress is not being released today. She won't be releaseed until something controls the symptoms or they find out what the cause is. So far whatever they switched her to is not working or not working well enough. The blood work is done but the Dr. hasn't come by yet in his rounds to give any insight, so that is probably inconclusive.

Update 9:30 am: They tried something new last night and so far its working. Instead of a quick IV of Benadryl and crossing fingers for four hours, their using something new and keeping Mistress on a continous drip. The results are no symptoms since then. The plan now is one more drip bag, take her off the line and play the waiting game. Mistress says this about being on her new meds, "If Sunday night was a 10, right now I am at 1.5." Had breakfast with her this morning. Still no word on the stolen meds. A social worker is coming to see her at out processing to figure something out and fill out an incident form. With insurance they cost $350, insurance doesn't cover more than one script a month so out of pocket it will run us closer to $700-$800, she thinks. Mistress will have time today to call her allergist and see if she can get a month of samples to tide her over.
Update 1:30pm: RELEASED. Mistress was given the green light to go home this afternoon. Mom is cooking up a spagetti dinner so Mistress dosen't have to cook for a couple of nights and her grandson can have a real meal for dinner. Thank you to all who left comments. I will be printing out the entire thread for her to read tonight.


At 9:54 AM, Blogger Nancy Toby said...

Ouch! Poor Mistress! My husband gets hives all the time, and it's NOT fun!! Fortunately it doesn't sound nearly as bad as her situation! I hope she got everything fixed up as much as possible!

At 5:27 AM, Blogger tri-mama said...

Oh nuts, you can't eat pizza? Now I feel like an insensitive jerk. (hello Dominos) I'm sorry. That sounds just plain awful, the reaction not the pizza. Hope she's feeling better soon and that they figure out what is going on so you don't have to live with "avoid everything so that doesn't happen again" dilemma.

At 5:29 AM, Blogger tri-mama said...

Oh, since I feel like such an idiot, and because I like you and the family, you send me your diet restrictions and I'll send you some very easy meals to make-no cooking requried. :)

At 8:29 AM, Blogger Flabbyironman said...

Hope everything turns out alright, Com. Glad you've been allowed back into the kitchen, I think it's my favorite room. I don't know what I'd do if I Ang wouldn't let me cook.

At 9:34 AM, Blogger TriDaddy said...

Yes, I'm hoping for a speedy recovery for the missus. What about Chinese food? Sweet and Sour chicken... just like chicken nuggets and it turns out that CB actually likes the rice better, maybe Mighty Mo will too!

At 11:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 5:12 PM, Blogger jennyc said...

Thinking about the missus, mighty mo and you. Hope them damn doctors come up with something soon. I think Benadryl must be our Piriton. Have they given her IV steroids yet?

At 6:07 PM, Blogger Dr. Iron TriFeist :) said...

Ah! I had a severe allergic reaction to meds once. Terrible. I will keep the Mistress in my thoughts and prayers. Something has to work.

At 10:00 PM, Blogger Ann (bunnygirl) said...

Wow, what a scary (and annoying) reaction. I hope the Mistress is better soon! Soothing aloe thoughts headed her way!

At 6:01 AM, Blogger Chris said...

Poor Mistress. I hope you're holding up ok. I know how stressed I'd be in your shoes. Hope she gets well soon!

And who the hell steals stuff from hospital rooms?! I was reading about folks that were trying to scam money using Katrina as their platform. Its a sick world we live in. :(

At 7:58 AM, Blogger Ironayla said...

Thinking of you and your mistress! I sure hope they are able to find what is going on and get it addressed. Please take care!

At 8:44 AM, Blogger Tracy said...

Yikes - this is one of my nightmares! I'm allergic to bug bites, too, and if I'm bit the spot turns into a big welt - I can't imagine a body rash - GAH! She (and you!) SOOOO have my sympathies.

At 10:37 AM, Blogger Chris said...

Good to hear that she's doing better! Here's to hoping that the symptoms don't return!

At 1:21 PM, Blogger Brett said...

I hope she gets well soon!

At 6:07 AM, Blogger :) said...

Great news that she is finally doing better! Keep Mo occupied so she can get some rest! I can never sleep at hospitals, so I am usually exhausted by the time they release me.

At 11:54 AM, Blogger Dr. Iron TriFeist :) said...

Yeah! She's coming home! It's so great to have relatives who can pitch in. I hope she continues to do well.


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