Saturday, September 03, 2005


Just got back from my second lake swim of the year. I guess it would considered a BT since I did so horribly the first time. While the rest of the group, which is doing Soma 1/2 IM in 60 day, pulled out around 2,000 meters, I did not.

I stayed in a bay off to the side out and backs, slowly increasing the distance I moved from shore until I was confident enough to get across the whole bay. The confidence was not that I couldn't swim the distances, or keep my tack, it was swimming without that safety net of the pool. I'm sure everyone can relate from some point in their life.

Ten years ago I did not have this problem. Ocean swims, lake swims, boat to boat stuff, I never gave it a thought. Now coming back around it just fills me with anxiety.

In any regard I am super happy with this new group of training partners. In fact one of them was a nice guy I met at the Scottsdale Triathlon I did back in March. We were right next to each other in transition and talk a lot since we were so early. We both did the Valley of the Sun 1/2 marathon this year and we live only a few miles away from each other. It added instant depth to our conversations, talking about courses we have done together or similiar training routes around our homes.

Tomorrow the bike. But first I'll have to watch two Land Before Time DVD's with the Mighty Mo today. I actually like those movies but thats an endurance event on its own.


At 6:29 PM, Blogger TriDaddy said...

I can relate. A year or two ago I found myself on a bridge over a river in West Va and I was like whoa! this is high and found myself wary of looking over and when I did I was afraid to touch the railing for fear it might collapse. I guess the older we get the longer we want to keep the streak going!

At 4:20 AM, Blogger Chris said...

Glad that you found some fellow tri folks in your neighborhood. Training with other folks does seem to make those workouts go faster (both literally from all the male egos pushing the pace and just because you have some company with you).

At 7:53 AM, Blogger Nancy Toby said...

Way to go, Commodore! Sounds like a great training session!


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