Monday, September 19, 2005

Damn That Murphy

It's been sort of a long strange couple of days. I actually am not sure what I should be blogging about today but hope that something makes sense as I write down my stream of consciousness or unconsciousness as I sit here with fingers on keyboard, mid sentence, looking for the right words or direction to go.

Yesterday for the 60 mile bike and 60 minute run. I woke up early to get to the meeting place on time. I still only just made it, then realized I left my shoes at home. I only lived eight minutes away so I was back under twenty minutes.

At the 75 minute mark in the ride, after completing the hardest hills of the course and making great time by the way, I suffered a flat to the front, one guy in the group, John, stops to make sure there is no surprizes. Over the course of twenty minutes we realize that the spare is punctured and that his spare won't fit my rim. Of course no cell phone so he rides ten miles along our route to call Mistress to pick me up in the middle of the desert, along the side of the highway. Mistress not having the best directional capacity, gets lost and interprid age-grouper, me, sits along the side of the highway for over 2 hours. I got a couple of offers for lifts but really couldn't leave because Mistress was somewhere enroute. It was a terrible experience but I certainly could have spent that time doing something better. We get back just in time for me to catch up with the group. Two other guys got flats as well. I find my rear is also flat at this point. So I now know I wasn't going anywhere.

The whole rest of Sunday I was just really, really sore like I worked out a lot harder than I really did. I felt really off. Unbalanced. Today I wake up ready to move my 10 mile run up a day to make up for yesterday but still I feel like I was in a car accident. I am guessing the hills really did me yesterday and then sitting along the road in the heat, cramped my up nice and good.

Over the last couple of weeks I have come to forks in the road like this where I am emotionally and intellectually motivated to do something but physically lethargic. From my infantry past I tend to just push through these physical roadblocks because I knew that I had to be able to perform while physically exhausted. Thats what war is for a 'grunt', living and performing at a high level when your at your weakest.

Training for an Ironman is not war but is there really that much difference if I go for a run today feeling beat up, since I probably won't feel much better after a 2.4 mile swim and 112 mile bike? Probably not.

At least with a run I won't have any tires to change. Damn that Murphy.


At 12:37 PM, Blogger TriDaddy said...

We live in a parallel universe Comm. I almost gave up my only Co2 to a guy on the road, but didn't for fear of what happened to you. Tired myself, I unintentionally did the 4 miles I missed earlier in the week on Saturday then pushed through my planned 7 mile run on Sunday... thinking the same thing about war. I almosted posted about it as I watched Blackhawk Down followed by Over There on FX last night... We may unexpectedly find ourselves side by side for most of IM Florida.

At 12:43 PM, Blogger Comm's said...

Then I would consider myself truly blessed and highly favored.

I'd share my 'foxhole' with you any day of the week, especially on a Sunday in November 2006.

At 2:09 PM, Blogger :) said...

You guys are awesome! If I can make it, can we make it a trio?

At 2:48 PM, Blogger Comm's said...

Flatman, if you make it we could become our own self contained crew. Except for the fact that you and your 'robbin' would absolutely knock me done with your mph. Can you ride slow enough?

At 12:43 PM, Blogger Chris said...

Just make sure one of you three saves a piece of pizza for me at the finish line!

At 8:31 AM, Blogger Tracy said...

Sounds awesome! Things are going to get really interesting pretty soon! IM here we come.


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