Friday, September 16, 2005

Charity Golf Tourney

Upon opening my e-mail this morning was a reminder that I am part of a foursome tonight at a Charity Golf tournament for Breast Cancer. Its a night game thing with an auction and dinner afterwards. Lets put aside the fact that I have not golfed in three years and have only half my clubs left in the bag, the rest having been snapped cleanly over my right thigh during my last few months of playing the sport. I e-mailed our team sponsor, Kevin of TribeMultisport and explained that I currently have more CO2 canisters than golf clubs right now but he is unfazed.

The quandry is this. Kevin is a great guy and I am by no means ditching on him. I have been to some of these golf charitys in the past and understand the deal, you pay your money to play, you drink your beers, you eat your dinner, you bid on stuff you would never want to pay that price for any other time in your life. You get home late, tired and in my case sore as heck because I haven't swung a club in years. The biggest part of doing this event is to be with Kevin because I appreciate all that he has done for me since he opened his store and if I can in some small way repay him for his mentoring and expertise while slapping backs and sharing some brews, so be it.

This is going to interfere with my swimming tomorrow. I won't get home until midnight, this course is also an hour away, and get up after only a short nap before having to go face my demons in the lake. I could just as easily sleep in and put in a good run or a pool swim later in the day.

When I called Mistress and told her the deal tonight, she was not excited. I could hear her mentally flipping through her training contract with me trying to find the loophole to say no. We already had 'robust' dialouge about a.m. training interfering with Mighty Mo's swim lessons Saturday morning and the dogs training class on Sunday morning. Now I am throwing out there a golf tourney that she knows in the past has always turned into 'guys night out'.



At 12:34 PM, Blogger :) said...

"robust dialogue" - new term of the day. I like it.

Sucks to be you, man.

You might not want to start kissing her on the neck amorously when you roll in at 12:30...

At 1:24 PM, Blogger Chris said...

lol flatman. What can you do, man? Maybe there is another workout that can be skipped or something? You know... give a little on the training side to appease Mistress for going out to the golfing event? When's your next race?

At 6:38 PM, Blogger The Big Cheese said...

All I have to say is...TIP, always TIP.


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