Monday, September 12, 2005

Thank You

I want to really thank all of you who so thoughtfully left comments regarding my wifes health. Mistress does not surf the web, so the thought that all these people out there she has never met and have enough vested interest in her to leave a thoughtful response is very humbling.

When Mighty Mo was going through the worst of it last year, we would recieve e-mail and letters from people we had never met, friends of friends of friends, telling us that they were praying for us and for him. Asking if they could make us a dinner or come by the room to comfort us and have someone to talk too. A woman we never met sent a stuffed bear that she made herself. Its was crocheted or something like that and she wrote she was compelled to do it upon hearing about our son.

We still have no conclusive results from all the testing. On Tuesday is an appointment with her regular doctor to go over all the notes and drugs and results to see what else can be done to pinpoint the problem. Was the hives last week the problem or was it a symptom of something else that is still afflicting her?

When I told her I would drop her off and then go run 8 miles while she was in the appointment tomorrow, I thought she was going to laugh herself off the bed. "Your a tool." I think that was the response. Well thanks again but I really hope I don't have to put bad news like this up again anytime soon. I would much rather post on my training.

PS. I told her she was an expensive date and I needed to treat myself to a wetsuit this week. She didn't say anything so I am taking no answer as a Yes. I don't think she was asleep when I asked but her eyes were closed.


At 10:16 PM, Blogger Tracy said...

Wow, so much stress on you guys. At least it's not worse, things could always be worse so we have to feel fortunate. Stay tough and let Mistress know that we're thinking about her!

At 5:44 PM, Blogger Chris said...

Man! How is she doing now? Hopefully all is better again? The docs have any more idea what caused the relapse this time?

I really hope she's doing ok! And hope you're hanging in there as well. You sound really strong for what you both must be going through!


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