Sunday, September 11, 2005

Bike/Run Brick Sunday

Had a great workout this morning. Started with a 60 mile bike route that had very challenging hills in the first 1/3 and then sort of leveled off for the remainder. I got frustrated around 40 miles because I felt I had enough motivation and energy to sustain 19 mph on the bike but could only generate 17, then 15. We took a quick break for water and after that I was good again. I'll have to look but I know I hit 39 mph coming down the last long hill, I may have hit 40.

We followed up with a 40 minute desert trail run. It was supposed to be an hour, we figured we would turn around at 25 minutes, thinking it would take us longer to get back to the cars. Simple physics was forgotton, its faster to go down than up. Since it was mostly uphill the first 25 minutes, it only took us 15 to get back. But everyone else was there already so we just rolled it in.

I started my Polar 5 minutes late into the ride, but total calories burned was 4,000. I'll get this workout and my open swim workout up tomorrow when I get to the office.


At 9:44 AM, Blogger TriDaddy said...

That's a solid brick, I'd say. Way to go on the 60 mile ride!


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