Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Lack Of The Runs

A bit of play on words with the title. Nothing would make my day more than a good 3-5 mile run early in the morning Monday thru Friday. I feel like I am more awake and have a greater since of accomplishment.

A few months ago when I realized I was lactose intolerant I stopped taking in dairy. My body responded very positively and I am so glad that about that, especially not having to...ahh...move my bowels 8 time a day and having a constantly upset stomach.

Except now that my body is working more optimiumly, some mornings I can't move my bowels enough when I get up. When I go for a run I have to worry about cutting it short just to make it home and finish the job. Now instead of my 0430 runs being something I look forward too, I wake up wondering if today is the day I get a full distance in. Will anyone else fess up to this same problem? What did you do to solve it?

So I have a two part plan. First I am going stop running in the mornings and instead ride my bike. That means I need to figure out lighting but I have a small red light I can hook onto my back and a headlamp I can put on my helmet, I can use side roads with good bike lanes and light traffic. Second, I am going to try to train my body to do what it needs to do before I go to bed so that I don't have such a problem when I get up and get back to my running routine in the morning.

I am determined to get to the pool tonight. I have set my whole day around it.


At 12:58 PM, Blogger :) said...

Man, I have the same problem. I ain't riding my bike in the dark!

A guy on a mountain bike blew by me at 0' crack-ass thirty on my run this morning with no lights at all. It scared the sh!t out of me! Oh, that's your other problem too, isn't it. I get up and toodle around the house until it is "safe" to go out and run...

Every once in a while, my "runs" are cut short, but not too often!


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