Thursday, August 25, 2005

Best of the US Triathlon

There was a first of it's kind triathlon held last week and not many people know about it. The Best of the US Amateur Triathlon was held in New Hampshire on August 20th.

Each of the 50 states had it's top male and female triathlete represented for a showdown of the Best of the Best of the Best. There were some unfortunate set backs on the national scene that caused some problems for athletes but from everything I have heard, this is going to be a really great system for triathlon.

I got into this because I know the top Arizona male, Dameon Hahn. I mean I am not buddy, buddy with him but my Tri shop, Tribe, sponsors him and we have met quite a few times in the store. I say this distinguishing remark only for its shear uniqueness which I fully embrace, Dameon is black and there is very few black triathletes.

Anyway after the championship race was created, the sponsors got a kick in the balls by most of the states backing out of the support they committed to their states representatives. So triathletes entering the qualifiers had no idea that if they won they would not have the promised state sponsorship assistance for airfare, food and board and would have to pay it themselves or get help from the community.

Kevin, who owns Tribe and sponsors Dameon, sent out a letter to his close friends asking to support Arizona triathlon, Dameon and his chance to battle it out back east. Well the support was so overwhelming that by the time I came in with my contribution he had already been 'over sponsored' with income.

So I came up with an idea to take the leftover money, my cash and an extra $150 bucks, and have Tribe throw a party for him after the race. Dameon could publicly thank his sponsors and maybe give a little speech. You know get him ready for the Show, when he goes pro.

Well if you clicked the link above you would know that he didn't do as well as hoped coming in 30th. The important thing is that there is now an event, which I hope continues, that is sort of like the World Series of amateur Triathletes. Unlike a BCS in college football that uses all sorts of mathematical formulas to figure out whose #1 instead of the two best teams battling it out for four quarters, the best from each state are all put on the same course and go stroke for stroke, aero to aero and sprint to sprint.

God Bless Competition
God Bless America

P.S. Lets hope Meg doesn't migrate south from Canada.


At 5:25 AM, Blogger Dr. Iron TriFeist :) said...

Thanks to you and the tri shop, Daemon got the chance to compete. It's wonderful to see the tri community support one of its own. How was the party?

At 5:25 AM, Blogger Dr. Iron TriFeist :) said...

Thanks to you and the tri shop, Daemon got the chance to compete. It's wonderful to see the tri community support one of its own. How was the party?

At 7:41 AM, Blogger Mr. Apropos said...

I have to say I was lucky enough to see the "Best of the US" race in person. It was a super event! I hope next year the move the "Best of" race around so everyone gets a chance to see it. All those dudes -- and dude-ettes -- were flying on that course.


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