Saturday, July 09, 2005

The price of ego...and a little fun

I have an appointment with Dr. Simon my rehab guy this morning because I did the most rookie mistake ever, I sidetracked my training with ego. Let me explain.

Because of my head injuries when I was younger, I cannot compete in team sports. So I got really good at things like running and racquetball. So yesterday as I was getting ready to swim, my fitness director came over and told me how he was really getting into racquetball and we should play sometime. I 'awe shucks,' the idea thinking maybe someday we could play, then he produces two racquets. Its been a while since I have played, two years at least. I'm not a great player but I understand movement and angles so we played best 2 of 3 to ten points.

Game One, he beats me 10-3. By the end of the game my arm no longer hurts from swinging, its just numb. Like the first day of baseball practice and throwing the ball a hundred times.

Game Two, I beat him 10-2. I am starting to remember some tricks and my serve returns.

Game Three, he's beating me off some stupid ego mistakes 9-3. I comeback and beat him 11-9 in straight point scoring.

So why did I explain all that? Because I didn't stick to my training plan I strained a muscle on my left back/torso and there is no way I can run this morning. So I am going to see Simon. One session with him and I will be right as rain. I need it because I have a great ride planned tomorrow and need all the fixing I can get.


At 1:20 PM, Blogger Tracy said...

Ugh, well, at least you have a fix! Take it easy and get back to good soon!

At 6:34 PM, Blogger Ann (bunnygirl) said...

A good massage therapist can make up for a lot of ill-advised undertakings, can't he? I don't know how people without a regular therapist manage it. They're made of stronger stuff than I am, I guess!

At 2:22 PM, Blogger Chris said...

Heh. Its amazing what the stupid male ego gets us into, isn't it?

Hope your ailments feel better than yesterday... and that you had a great ride today!

At 8:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol. Well, at least you were humble enough to share that with us. Get well soon.


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