Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Tri-Geek Gathering

As posted at Tri-Geek Dreams by the Great and All Powerful Kahuna, I have been invited to partake in the 85 mile training ride from the "O.C." to San Diego. I am honored that Robo-Stu would think to invite me on this training ride.

It took me all of about one minute to get a travel waiver from Mistress to go to California. As stipulated in our Training Contract, I am only allowed specific training/racing destinations outside the Valley Of The Sun and those were scrupulously hammered out in our negotiations.

What is surprising about her sudden agreeablity is that I am going on a backpacking/fishing trip to Yosemite National Park with my godfather and other fishing buddies from July 17 to July 26. So I will be home for two days then leave Friday afternoon for Casa de Kahuna.

As fate would have it I was concerned at the California ride and my lack of biking leading up to it but today, my designated swim day, I will have to switch to tomorrow so I can get back home early enough to relieve my mom from Mighty Mo and Topper duty. So today I am plotting a 90-120 minute bike workout. Its only going to be 112 degrees today so it shouldn't be that bad...right?


At 3:16 PM, Blogger Tracy said...

How COOL! Oh, this will be an epic report. The three amigos ride!

At 8:21 AM, Blogger tri-mama said...

"We're not going to see 120 degrees buddy boy, everyone knows your heart explodes in your chest at 110." Cliff Clavin on a re run of "Cheers" last night, the four guys were stranded in the desert at night lamenting what day might bring- I laughed out loud.


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