Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Where The Day Went

Still not done. Oh for goodness sakes this project is taking way to long. By the time I got home The Colonel had braced the units and finished all the moldings. The issue still remains that the wood is bowed out and we needed to brace and clamp it down before we screwed it together. We made a 45 minute detour to Home Depot to pick up some new parts for the sander and skilsaw. After many debates I decided on using ordinary paneling for inside the cabinets. I also found a great hanger frame to put the bike up off the ground.

After The Colonel went home I filled all the holes made by the pneumatic nail gun and gaps in the facade. Now when we do the final sanding today, it will look seamless. I also pre-cut the paneling for inside the cabinet. I hope that we can get it stained today and all the clean up done by tomorrow for pictures.

A difficult day for training. Mom is having a root canal this afternoon so Mistress and I are tag teaming Mighty Mo duty this afternoon. I can do some work from home anyway, but between that, watching a two year old who plays with his new puppy so much he gives himself an asthma attack twice a day, and trying to not feel guilty about The Colonel in the garage by himself, its going to be a looong day.


At 9:12 AM, Blogger :) said...

Root canal...ouch. Just think of it this way...the Colonel wouldn't be there helping if he didn't want to be. Hope it all works out the way you want it and I can't wait to see it. You should be taking pictures of the process too...you are killing me with the suspense!

At 12:24 PM, Blogger Bolder said...

root canal - double ouch, i've had my share thanks to a basketball injury... hope your Mom does well... i'm sure she'd trade places with you in a sec!

At 7:51 PM, Blogger Tracy said...

Hey - now THAT'S a good idea, taking pics in the process, you're groovy little camera is just the thing for that!

Yuck on the root canal, though...try to rest it off if you can!


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