Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Swim update

With a few minor exceptions this mornings swim went well. Swam 12oo meters (yards, whatever) in this set up:
8x25 catch ups(?)- arms straight out, touch hands before next stroke
8x25 fist drill- swim with clenched hands
8x25 finger drag drill

Each drill had a recovery lap, and I paused 15 secs between laps. If any of my terms are not normal lingo or if there is a more universal swim drill term please let me know, I get frustrated when I am using words that don't make sense.

This afternoon to change things up I am planning on taking the mountain bike out for some hill work around the office.


At 8:59 AM, Blogger TriDaddy said...

I don't know about the lingo, but it sounds like you know what you are doing! Me, I basically swim freestyle, run slow with a few sprints during the run, and do the same with the bike. We'll see how that pays off this weekend with my Olympic distance! (I don't even know if that's right! Is there a difference between International and Olympic?)

At 1:32 PM, Blogger Tracy said...

Nope, International and Olympic are the same :) Not sure why they are called different things, good point!

Com, your swimming is really taking off! Remember just a little while ago 300 yards was your max- you rock!


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