Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Confusion at the pool

Well my swim coach agreed to meet me at the pool for a 1-on-1 but because of the holiday yesterday got things screwed up. So I spent 20 minutes watching a local high school team do their drills. Holy Crap they are strong and fast. I watched one kid, just a bull, absolutely haul his ass down the lane and was so strong he could stop his stroke and coast the last 4 meters to the side and still have to stop himself on the wall.

I will never be that good. Gosh I must have twice the years on the kid and 1% of his training, but I studied his stroke and his kick and if they help me focus on what I have to do to improve so that I ultimately finish 2.4 miles, well what can I say.

I guess what I am saying is this, even though I may never talk to 1/4of the people I admire for a few fleeting moments, I take something away and appreciate the learning. That got me thinking or trying to think of all the folks I have watched and by watching become more inspired, more pumped up, more thrilled of my own goals and aspirations.

Its the same with the people's blogs that I read. I am so enthralled with Shelley and Oldman. Shelley for her just flat out blessing running Boston and doing Kona in the same year and the process she is going through. Oldman, because damn he trains hard, harder than me maybe and he's twice my age. I wish I had Shelleys race schedule and Oldmans training base. But I don't so tomorrow at 0315 I will get up and drag myself the pool and remember that kids stroke and powerful kick and just dream...


At 8:29 PM, Blogger Mr. Apropos said...

Oh, you'll get there with the swim! I know I've found that I've gotten much strong in the water as I've gotten older. The swim is mostly technique. It just takes some time.

I know for inspiration I keep a copy of Ian Thorpe doing a flip-turn[1] right on my desktop. Just before run off for a swim workout, I give it a watch and tell myself I'll have that form when I'm in the pool. For sure, some days are closer to that ideal than others, but showing up is more than 1/2 the battle.

[1] http://www.nyhoff.net/swimcity/CrawlTurn-SwimcityMediaCentre-IanThorpeSloMo.mpg

At 9:56 PM, Blogger William Lobdell said...

You are my God.

At 5:35 AM, Blogger :) said...

I do the same exact thing. I can get so pumped reading all of you guys blogs, that I can pretty much psyche myself up for any workout!

Thanks to everyone...

At 1:31 PM, Blogger Tracy said...

3:15 - dang Com, now you have me beat! Awesome dedication!


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